Movement 5

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Music is in the media.

(Y/n) hummed a little tune as she watched over your pot on the stove. The days have been getting colder, depicting a change in the season. She loved it when the seasons changed, because it showed how the Earth can change as well. Just like humans. It was an interesting observation she made, and it honestly fascinated her.

Another person has also fascinated her, Licht. Somehow the two made it a routine to start a conversation on the phone at the most random time. Sometimes it was her that called him, and on rare occasion it was him who called her. She knew he always had a busy schedule due to his piano playing, but (Y/n) always got way more happy when Licht called her; even though she knew he was scowling on the other end. She would hear stories of his piano playing, or sometimes she would just ramble on while Licht listened. (Y/n) thought it was nice to have a little exchange like this, it made her a lot less lonely than she already was.

It also brought her closer to the one person she most wanted to meet, perhaps closer two people can get in a week. It made (Y/n)'s chest flutter with glee. She cherished the feeling, because she never knew when it was going to end.

(Y/n)'s cellphone buzzed just as she finished stirring the contents in her pot. She answered excitingly knowing well who it was.

"(L/n)." She heard Licht's deep voice greet her on one end.

"Todoroki-san! Nice to hear your voice again." She greeted happily.

"Did you finish practice?" She asked.

On the other end Licht's eyebrow twitched as Kranz watched and urged him. He made subtle gestures giving Licht a sign what to say, although Licht didn't appreciate the "help."

"A while ago...hey (L/n)..." Licht trailed off as he pondered what he was going to say. Kranz moved his hands gesturing for him to continue while uttering a quiet, "Ask her." He practically had hearts hanging around his head that made Licht want to gag.

"You want to meet each other? In the city? Maybe around that tea shop you love?" He asked slowly even more hesitance was in his tone. He couldn't believe he just asked that.

"Really? For real? I would!" She exclaimed in an excited voice, almost a squeal. Licht for some unknown reason felt relief wash over him. Like a weight he didn't know that was there on his head was lifted.

"Ok, meet me in half an hour." He said before hanging up. Kranz pat Licht on the back a little too round. He grinned widely looking at Licht with a set of proud eyes.

Licht glared at him shoving the phone in Kranz hands, "Don't you dare call this a date."

"But isn't it one? You would have never asked her if you didn't get that push." Kranz said patting Lichts back again.

"I'd rather be practicing or something." Licht mumbled stuffing his hands in his pockets as he scowled at the ground.

Kranz tutted shrugging, "Now I know that's a lie. We both know this might do you some good since you have been getting frustrated during practices." He said suddenly sounding a little bit serious. Licht gave a sound of annoyance, almost a little growl, he stubbornly turned his head away and treaded out the door. Licht, even through all the annoyance and frustration, couldn't deny to himself that he wanted to see you again. Even though he tried really hard. Something ached in his chest, and it only made him more aggravated. Perhaps seeing you could calm him down? He huffed as he walked away to the door. He arrived in front of the desired area leaning against the wall as he let himself get lost in his thoughts.

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