Movement 2

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Play the music in the media for affect of you want.
The next day she was left to contemplate what happened the prior. She still could not believe it, she met the one person she wanted to unintentionally. Her palms rubbed the side of your face as her cheeks began to warm in embarrassment. Her hands went up to her hair ruffling it in reprimand, she wished she could have made a slightly better impression. She let out a large exhale from her tight lungs, closing her eyes. Even with the embarrassment, she had met him. It made her chest light, and a great wave of happiness spread in her brain. Her mouth twitched into a smile as she saw the memory re run in her brain, Licht was an interesting person.

She had to admit, he was a lot more grumpy in person. She giggled at that, but she knew he had a good side to him, humans were complex like that. It really made her wonder, was Licht always that grumpy? Then there was the thought of the angel, Lichts declaration made him seem downright adorable, like he was a kid trapped in the body of a teen. It was amazing. One meeting with one person made her want to meet him again, and talk with him the entire day to unravel the secrets behind him. Her eyes opened as she stared at the white ceiling of her room.


Her thought process was broken from the fuzzy feeling of fur on her leg. She grinned, sitting up to see her dog observing her. Her hand met with the soft fur, she ran her fingers along the tresses bringing a calmness to you. Her dog seemed to like it too as he stuck his tongue out and wagged his tail happily. She chuckled at him.

"Oh (dogs name), is being a dog easier than being a human I wonder?"

Her dog blinked and she sighed as she still ran her fingers through his fur. Her cellphone buzzed diverting her attention from her dog. The screen flashed showing a familiar number, her eyes widened slightly. Her finger hovered over the answer button for 5 seconds, and she made the decision to answer the call.

"Hello." She answered keeping her voice straight.

"(Y/n)." A very deep voice greeted you.

"Doctor Iwazumi, it has been a while." She greeted casually. She had not expect one of her doctors to call her, especially the one she found most uncomfortable. Iwazumi Sato; she did not know why she had such an awful vibe about him, but his cold voice along with his attitude made her want to run away.

"Why haven't you been coming in regularly?" He asked.


"From the tone of your voice it seems you have no excuses. You know if you don't show up, you would pay considerably for it." He warned, she could have sworn his voice became darker. She shivered slightly finding goosebumps appearing on your arm.

She gulped, "Y-Yes, I will." She tried to keep her voice steady, she couldn't help the shaky feeling every time she spoke with him.

"Good then I expect to see you tomorrow afternoon." He said and then he hung up leaving the loud beeping to occupy the quiet room. She hung up and let her phone fall on her bed with a sigh. Her arm covered your eyes as you let the darkness consume her vision. 

She let a soft sigh pass by her lips as her arm wandered to the bed and she saw the white ceiling again. The feeling of uncomfortableness stayed with her after the conversation, sometimes she wondered if she was crazy to have this feeling. But she couldn't help it.

With one last sigh she sat up stretching, "I need some relaxation time. Come on (dogs name)! Let's make some hot chocolate and watch some TV!" She declared excitingly and her dog followed her happily down the stairs.

She callously ran her fingers through her dogs fur as he slept next to you, and let the warm cup sit on her lap as she watched the news; although she wasn't paying attention. There was too much going on in her mind. Her daily activities, her schedule, everything else in her life. It became funny to her, how much time she wasted mulling over her schedules in the past. For now, she saw the world in a different light. Then a memory popped into her brain, a very recent one. She could feel her mouth twitch again, it was funny. One memory could bring so much joy to her. She leaned back on the couch letting the night solitude soothe you.

'I wonder what Torodoki-san's doing? I want to meet him again...'

She had the last thought before your her closed bringing her to sleep.

Licht let his fingers run across the white keys as he practiced another piece. His eyes were closed as he let the sound guide him. The sounds of the notes coming together creating a harmony that could have an instant standing ovation. The piece ended slowly as the final notes came to a diminuendo, Licht opened his eyes as a slight scowl came onto his face.

"What's with the frown?"

His manager, Kranz, was leaning against the doorway. His arms were crossed and he had a slight smile on his face as he observed him. Licht only glanced at him, his scowl not leaving his face.

"I felt distracted."

"Distracted? But that was still great playing I've heard from you."

Licht kept silent as he went into his pocket taking out the photo he received from you earlier. He stared at it, deeply in thought, he just found something greatly amusing in this one photo. Kranz cautiously crept up behind Licht taking a slight peek at what Licht was staring at. A bemused smile came onto his face.

"Aww Licht, is that you with a dog?" He cooed finding the scene adorable.


"If I may ask, where did you get it?"

Licht was hesitant to answer as he knew what kind of reaction Kranz would give him.

"A...girl, gave it to me...this is her dog." He spoke out in intervals, he could feel a sort of embarrassment creeping on him. He did not like that feeling. Kranz slapped both his cheeks as he gasped loudly, Licht found it a little too dramatic.

"A girl?! You mean you actually found and talked to a girl?! Oh my Licht I'm so proud!" Kranz gushed at him, meanwhile Licht had gotten slightly annoyed. He stood up stuffing his hands in his pockets.

"No, it was her dog that ran into me. Don't go assuming I went girl hunting or something that's just creepy." He left Kranz in the room to marvel over his encounter with a girl. While walking back to his apartment, Licht couldn't help but think of that encounter again, something about her just made him curious. Other than the fact she was an animal lover, just one glance and he felt like there was more to you. An overwhelming urge in his chest grew no matter how much he wanted to ignore it.

'Why do I feel like meeting her again?'

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