Movement 18

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Time elapsed forward painfully slow for (Y/n), but she waited. She was a patient girl, and there were moments where she went back to praying with the charm she had. It felt boring, and nauseating at the same time. Especially after the news Doctor Iwazumi disclosed to her just hours earlier. If she were to tell her fears right now to someone they would query her strange. How she feared for someone else rather than herself. She couldn't even rest herself, all she could do was just stare at a ceiling in a blank state. Part of her wished she had brought a distraction with her, perhaps her journal to write down her woes. An enlightenment to the stress maybe. But she just focused herself on another person, she wished for his safety.

And time just ticked so slowly for that, it just waned on her.

She sighed laying down in a lethargic manner, just thinking to herself. Of good times; they were always the best distraction to her, to lift her mood. She just thought of the times she spent together with him.

"(Y/n)." Until a familiar voice ruined it for her. She sat up with a deep scowl, once again glaring at the apathetic eyes of Iwazumi.

"You shouldn't let your worries get in the way of your own priorities. You should be resting." Iwazumi said as cold as ever; his words seemed to be formulated to sound sympathetic. But she knew he meant much more behind those words. The type of insult subtly hidden behind sympathy. She wouldn't argue with him, for it would be tiring, and just a waste of her energy.

"I do not comprehend why you care so much. About this boy..that you have know for less than a month." He spoke, like he was speaking out his thoughts. His statement made (Y/n) scoff at him.

"I don't think you would ever comprehend, since you have never grown close to anyone before." She said. Iwazumi could only glare, it pierced her.

"I feel you're more than just caring for him. You always have had this deep fear deep inside you. I've seen it, fear of people leaving per say if you wanted me to put it simply." He said. His voice was calculating, his words ever so blunt as they once again formed the hammer that slammed upon (Y/n)'s being. She clenched the sheets, not even trying to focus on his words. But it proved difficult. Why was he always like this? Playing with her feelings when she was vulnerable?

"Are you afraid he'll leave you alone? Alone to face your own hardships? Much like your parents did?" He asked further, (Y/n) felt the need to get up. She wanted to say something, do something to shut him up, but then her bruise started paining again. She whimpered crouching over.

"See how much hurt you are? Getting involved in his troubles made you that way."

"I'm this way cause I chose to." She said through grit teeth. She didn't think the words he spoke to her, but there's always that complicated part of the mind. The one that argued, but what if it's true. Iwazumi only closed his eyes, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Why do you always say these things?" She asked, her voice cracked again. She could feel her body burn everywhere.

"I'm only speaking harsh words of the truth. We all live in a harsh reality." He said bringing down his words, he sounded so spiteful, yet so truthful at the same time. (Y/n) took in pain filled breaths, she could hear the taps of his feet getting close to her bed. He used his two fingers to lift her by her chin, both of them looking dead center into each other's eyes. (Y/n) shivered, his eyes looked even more soulless up close.

"It's time to open your eyes (Y/n). And to say good bye to the imagination you want to have." He said, his words coming to a stop, bringing in a dead silence. (Y/n) brought her hands to his shoulders and then roughly shoved him with what strength she had. He nearly tripped on his feet, the move brought the slightest amount of shock to him.

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