The Head Captain

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I stood there. In my new uniform and my new zanapktos hang on each of my sides. Facing huge wooden doors. This i it. I meet the squad i have been asigned to. Beads of sweat form but i quickly wipe the away. I feel sick to the stomach with nerves. The door start to open. My heart races. What will they think of me? Will i fit in? 

* 1 day earlier* 

 Finally, i made it to the head captains meeting room with only 2 minuets too spare. I stand at the doors waiting for them too open. Two men stand there with white coats and wooden staffs. They are obviously guarding the meeting room. They stood there looking straight forward. Not even looking at me for a second. When the clock hits one o clock the doors open to show 12 of the court guard squads captains assembled. Where was the other Captain? I thought They all look at me as i make my way in and then kneeled down, staying down. 

" Sia mcloud do you know why you have been called here." The head captain spoke as he sat at the other end of the hall. I kept my head down and spoke,

" No head captain i do not" Everyone was silent. 

" We have called you here to give you an immediate position in the 13 court guard squads. None of the captains here know what squad you are going into. I have thought long and hard and have decied that the squad you will join is squad 11." As soon as he finished speaking a few of the captains protested about his choice. But he just silenced them and told them his decision was final.

" Besides its about time we had a younger female in squad 11. It could change things there for the better. You are all dismissed, apart from you Sia." The captains left but i stay where i was. Still kneeling. I heard shuffling and then steps heading towards me.

" Stand up Sia." His voice beemed at me. I did as i was commanded and stood. I look at him an noticed the scar across his face but just blanked it. 

"Sia a you know i have assigned you to squad 11. But before you arrive there i need to go over a few things with you. Please don't be so formal just relax a bit. Your making me nerves." I relaxed a bit and after about 2 hours he finished and i knew all the ins an outs of squad 11. How i was going to be the second woman in the squad, that all the men care about there was fighting and how lieutenant yachiru is always with the Captain. Oh how i was looking forward to this! Ha the joys of life, well you know. The head captain walked with me to my room for the night. We stopped outside and i turned to face him and bow saying thankyou. 

"Everthing thing you will need is in the room that includes your uniform." He turned an started to walk away but stopped and turned to me. 

"Meet me in the hall we just left at 7 o clock tonight. I will help you gain your zanpaktos." I mentally screamed with joy, but on the out side i stayed calm. 

" Yes sir." He walked away and i walk into my room. I looked over to see my uniform hung up. i ran over and stroke my fingers through the material. It was so soft. The black material was as soft as the clouds. I took my uniform off the hanger and took off my academy uniform off. Just as well because i was getting tired off the red. I slid into my uniform which fitted perfectly. It stopped half way up my thigh and had a banned of white around the bottom. The sleeves were long and flared. I had a light purple sash i tied around my waist. I walked over to the mirror in the room. My long brown hair was lying behind my ears, my eye were bright blue. They were brighter than ever. My skin was tanned yet pale and flawless. I never wore make up cause i don't suit it. I looked at the clock on the room wall. 6:30 okay better start heading now i thought to myself.

I walk my way to the hall and took in the surroundings. The place was beautiful. It was the middle of spring so the cherry blossoms where in full bloom. They were a bright colour of pink. It was breath taking. i finally made it to the hall. The doors opened and the head captain was sitting in the middle of the floor. He jestured for me to sit in front of him. I did. 

" The uniform fit you well. Okay now i want you to go into your mind and listen for a voice. " i followed his instruction. I went into my mind and listened for a voice. it was black. I started to hear music. It got louder as time went by. I then started to hear giggling. The black soon turned into a world that was just water with fireflies and butterflies flying around. There was one cherry blossom tree that was in bloom. It had a pink aura around it. A female than walked out from behind the tree. She wore a violet and light blue kemono. She started to walk towards me.

Then i realised she was walking on water. Wait theres no land so what am i standing on? I thought as i looked down. I am walking on water too OMG this is amazing.

" Hello Sia. I am alexis." she spoke softly. 

"Hello. So your like em. You know." I did not want to sound rude so i was stuttering trying to find the right words.

"You zanpakto's soul, yes. And would you like to know what my power is?" i nodded eagerly. She placed her hands out to the sides and then a bright white, light appeared. It the dulled down too reveal two pink fans with spikes on the edge. I am guessing they are metal. 

"Now Sia if you want to gain my power and loyalty then fight me." She spoke. Even thought so was talking about fighting she still had a soft voice. It was enchanting. She had black, long hair that hung down just above her waist and deep blue eyes. 

" Yeh okay." I said not realising what i had just said. it was too late she moved so fast. I felt a shering pain on my back. I fell to the ground. I then picked myself up but i barely had any strenght. I then heard something i never expected. 

"Your weak and pathetic. Just like back then when grandma and brother were slughter right in front of your eyes and you did nothing." But instead of her soft voice this was harsh and hurtful. 

"I could not do anything. Thats why i joined the court guards to stop that from happing again and i need your power to do that!" I shouted as i pulled all my strenght and ran at her. She swung her fan but i dodged them and hit her in the stomach. She went down, but got up again. The fans then disappeared in a bright light. 

" Sia i believe in you and i always will, even when no one else does. I give you my loyalty for as long as we live." She spoke in her soft voice again. I gave her a nood and then i left to come back to reality. I flung my eyes open and breathed deeply for a while. I then controlled my breathing and i felt myself holding swords in each hand. 

" Oh, two swords. There is only one other person i know who has two sword his name is Shunsui Kyoraku. Now i want you to stand up and call out any words that come into your mind." He spoke. I stood up and unshethed my swords. I held them to my sides and closed my eyes. I sayed the first words that came into my head. 

" Through the darkness of war and evil i bring apon this place light to shine the way." There was than a flash of light an two fans appeard in my hands. They where fairly heavy but not too heavy. they had metal tips on the edge of the fan to create it into a weapon. 

" Beautiful, now see those 4 wooden dummies over there. Use them. Use what ever attack comes into you mind." I looked over too see them standing there. I closed my eyes and my hands and arms just moved by themselves. The right hand moved the fan to cover my waist and my left hand move the fan above my head. It looked like i was dancing. 

"Dance of the weeping williow." the words flow out my mouth. With a couple of twists and turns one if the dummies had been cut the pieces. I continued doing so, but with different attack and when i was finished the head captain praise me and sent me to bed. I got back to my room and jumped into bed. 

As soon as my head hit the pillow i was fast a sleep. Little did i know someone was watching me.  I woke up the next morning and get dressed. I looked at the clock on the wall. 10:30 thats alright i suppose. I headed toward squad 11's barracks, i was meeting my new team mates today at 11. I stopped at the door an stood there. Waiting nervously.

My Life In The 11Th Division As A GirlOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz