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"Hon, this view is amazing!" I exclaimed. We just arrived at our vacation home and from where I am standing, the twins are already running around the backyard, their nanny running after them with a hand towel to wipe their faces.  I love listening to their giggles, it's the most beautiful sound and I can listen to it all day. I am so glad that the twins have adapted right away with their new home.

"I am so glad you like it hon."  Richard whispered from behind me, leaning his chin on my shoulders. 

"When did you buy this?"  I asked.

"After we opened the restaurant.  I just thought it's nice to have a space in this location, you know, like a quick getaway from the city."

"This is really nice.  How often do you come here?" I caressed his arm that is wrapped around my middle.

"Not often.  I really don't have a lot of free time before I found you again.  I think I've been here twice." 

"What?  Wow, so much wasted beautiful view, if you don't come here and look at it." I sighed.

"Well, we are going to change that now, because I think the twins like it here.  Look at them."  He said, pointing at Katie and Enzo.  "I think  I need to build them a playground here too." He suggested.

"I know, they are enjoying the backyard.  The weather is nice, probably that's why they like it.  It feels like early fall.  But you don't need to build them another playground here,  you are just spoiling them!" 

"Well,  you know, I intend to.  I am going to spoil you and the twins and the tiny peanut that's growing in here."  He whispered, lightly pressing my belly button.

"Hon, I am not pregnant."  I whispered back.

"I am pretty damn sure you already are."  He said with conviction.

"Hmmm, we'll see."  I tell him, but silently praying that I am. 

We stayed standing on the balcony that overlooks the backyard and the amazing view of Taal lake, with Richard's arms wrapped around me and swinging us to an imaginary music.

"Hon, we should talk about the wedding."  Richard, blurted out of nowhere.

"We can get married here." I replied nonchalantly.

"What do you mean here?"  He asked.

"Here, in this house.  We can have the ceremony in the backyard.  Just an intimate wedding."  I replied.

"Uhmm, no.  I am not going to marry the love of my life in a backyard.  I am marrying you in the church.  If you want an intimate wedding, I can agree go that, but, we are getting married in a church. And you will be the most beautiful bride."

"Okay, that I can definitely do for my most wonderful fiancé." I murmured, my voice teasing.

"So when do you want to get married?"

"Hey,  you tell me!  You're the one with a busy schedule."  I teased again.

"Of course, you have a point there.  I want us to get married right away.  Let me ask Sam about my schedule and then I will get back to you." 

"I'll be here. I am not going anywhere."  I tell him, snuggling against him some more.

"You better! You, will stay right here, in my arms, like this." He said, pulling me in tighter.

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