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The oven dinged and I slowly take the croissants out. The eggs are on the warming tray and the bacon is sizzling in the cast iron skillet. Everything is ready, I have to call Richard and the twins before the food gets cold.

I removed the bacon and put it on top of the paper towel covered dish and tiptoed my way to the bedroom when I heard Enzo asking something to his daddy. I stopped by the doorway and listened to their conversation.

"Can you take mommy, Katie and I when you go back to the Phiyippines?" He asked.

Oh my baby boy is really worried about his dad leaving. Even though we've already told him that his dad is coming back, he still thinks that when his dad leaves, he is leaving for good. I feel so sorry for Enzo, he is already so attached to Richard and I know it will break his heart seeing his dad leave.

"Enzo, mommy and I, we need to talk about it first okay? But for now, let's not think about it. How about we just enjoy today, lets play and tell me stories, tell me all the things that I don't know about you?" Richard tells his son.

I am clutching my heart right now, if I don't leave now, I know I am going to cry. Richard is trying hard to pacify his son's feelings and he is doing a good job.

I silently walk away from the hallway and went straight back to the kitchen.

"Okay guys, breakfast is ready!" I called out.

I heard giggles and excitement coming from the hallway and soon I saw Richard carrying the twins on his sides, like they are weightless.

"Look mommy we're fwyin!"  Katie said giggling, as they enter the kitchen, her arms are spread like wings.

Enzo is giggling too, his legs are swinging. 

The twins are enjoying this new experience.

"You guys! That looks fun!"  I exclaimed, approaching them. I started tickling Enzo's side and he started squirming.

"Mommy stop! Hi hi hi hi! Stop pwease mommy!" Enzo begged, he is giggling so hard and so out of breath.

"Did you hear somebody telling me to stop daddy?" I asked Richard.

He looked at me and just stared, smile on his face.

Is he daydreaming? He just zoned out on me.

"Hey, you okay?" I asked, nudging him.

"Yes, yes. Sorry, sometimes I just have to pinch myself to remind me that I am not dreaming, I still couldn't believe that I found you and I have twins. I am just so happy. You made me happy." He said.

I leaned in against him and gave him a kiss on the lips. I love kissing him -his lips are so soft, just like the twins lips when I kiss them.

I wrap my arms around his waist, the twins are still hanging on his sides.

"I love this. I love this feeling of you and the twins beside me. Don't you ever, ever leave me again." He said, nuzzling my nose with his face. "Do you hear me?"

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