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"What happened?"  I croaked.  My voice raspy and my throat dry.

I am looking at my fiancé's gorgeous eyes.  He is smiling and I see relief on his face. 

"You passed out hon."  He tells me,  caressing the top of my head.  "You had me worrying there, seeing you lying on the floor, unconscious."

"I passed out on the floor?"


"I was feeling queasy after lunch, I thought it was just because of the amount of food I ate."

"Why didn't you tell me?" He asked, worry really evident on his face.

"Wait, where are we? Where are the twins?"  I asked, as I try to sit up, searching for Katie and Enzo.

"Hey, hey, don't move too much."  Richard ordered, holding my shoulders, pushing me back to the bed.

"Where are the twins?" I asked again, eyeing him frustratingly.

"They are with April. I called her when we are on our way to this hospital. They are fine. Don't worry, you need to rest."

"Well, can we go home now?"

"Not yet hon, the doctor who checked on you said that your vitals are okay, but he wanted you checked thoroughly, and since this hospital is small and they don't have the facilities to do that, we are now waiting for the ambulance who will take us to a better hospital."

"What? No! I don't need to go to another hospital! That is insane! I just passed out. I feel better. We just really should go back home." I insisted.

"Sorry hon, doctor's orders, they won't release you until you are taken to the other hospital." He tells me smirking.

"This is crazy!" I tell him. I am so frustrated right now. I just want to see the twins and lying on this bed makes me so helpless. "So they didn't say anything about what's wrong with me?"

"None yet, they just took, your vitals and the results are all normal except your blood pleasure is a little low, but as I said, the doctors here doesn't trust the result, so they want you moved to another hospital."

Well, from the way he looks at me, I think he is the one that doesn't trust the results, not the doctors.

"Fine! So when is the ambulance coming? Can you just take me? Me being taken by an ambulance is just so over the top!" 

"Hon, you know driving and worrying is not a good combination.  I even asked dad to drive us here, while I carry you to the car."

"Well, can dad drive us then?"

"Hon, let it go.  The ambulance is on it's way."

"Fine!"  I whined, like a petulant child.


"How are you feeling Ms. Mendoza?"  One of the resident doctors asked me, he was the only
one that's left in my room, after the others went to check on the other patients.

Another BeginningOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora