After the slight embrace, Abe let go of his fragile headmistress. "Dear Abe, it has been so long since we have all seen you" Miss Peregrine stated, facing the rest of the children. "We agree" Millard said, walking up to the elderly guy and squeezing him, followed by the rest of the children. 

"Abraham?" Derek called as his head popped out of the kitchen doorway. "Derek? Is that you?" Abe squinted his eyes, making sure he wasn't dreaming. "Abe!" Derek shouted and full sprinted towards Abe, tightly wrapping his arms around the elderly figure. "What are you doing here?" Abe asked, utterly confused. Derek frowned for he could only stick with the lie he made up towards the children. "Business" He answered. 

After making small conversations, Miss Peregrine looked up towards the cloak located somewhere on the wall and right now the time was almost 5:45 which means the oven was almost done with the food. "I better go, food is nearly ready" Miss Peregrine excused herself. "But the ding dong noise hasn't even gone off!" Franklin shouted. "You'll see" Miss Peregrine said, holding three fingers up as if she were counting down to three, which she was and when her final finger went down, the 'ding dong' noise went off, leaving Maryann and Franklin mind blown and she signaled Derek to help her with the rest, leaving everyone else in the room. 

"How did she even know?" Maryann questioned, shock overwhelming her, so many things has happened in the past few hours she doesn't even know if she was imagining it all. "Well that's Miss Peregrine for you" Enoch said in his Scottish accent, causing Olive's cheeks to flush red.  

"Miss Portman, do you have like a big open wall somewhere in your house?" Horace asked, thinking about where he would present his dreams. "Of course, just need to move a few things and then it should be enough space. Why?" Maryann questioned but only got a shrug in return. 

"Why are there so much people here" Franklin whispered as he leaned towards his wife. "Because she looks after them" Maryann responded, stating the obvious. 

By the time it was 6pm, Miss Peregrine's voice sounded throughout the house, calling for everyone since dinner was now being served. 

It took a few times for everyone to finally get seated for the table wasn't as big as the one back in Miss Peregrine's house but in the end, Claire ended up sitting on Miss Peregrine. Maryann, Franklin, Derek, Abe and Caul ate in the living room, Miss Peregrine offered for herself to do so but Claire was literally clinging onto her. Olive and Emma were beside Miss P. Next to Emma was Fiona and The twins. On Olive's side it was Bronwyn, Millard and Hugh which Enoch was sitting at the other end of the table, facing Miss Peregrine. 

Maryann and Franklin had already started eating ages ago for they didn't really know the dinner rules towards Miss Peregrine and they wondered why no one else was eating. "Why isn't anyone eating?" Maryann asked Abe. "Because no one starts until Miss Peregrine says so" Abe answered, loud enough for Franklin to hear as well and the two of them slowly put their forks down and stopped chewing until they were apparently given permission. 

~ A F T E R    D I N N E R (Cause I'm lazy, forgive me, I know you can relate) ~

~Emma's POV~

"Millard, where are you?" I hissed. We were playing a little game of hide and seek which led Millard to take his clothes off and now we had to find him before Miss Peregrine thinks he's missing. 

"He could be anywhere!" Fiona complained, falling backwards onto the sofa. 

"RAWR" With that random boisterous noise Bronwyn, Claire, Fiona and Hugh screamed slightly. "I totally got you scared" Millard said with an amount of sass noticeable in his voice and in this moment if we could see him, he was probably smirking. 

"Jesus Christ Millard! Where the heck have you been" Enoch flared his hands in the air. "Uh well I thought we were playing hide and seek, if you didn't know the rules you could have said so. Because you were supposed to fine me." Millard said as he snatched his clothing from Horace but wasn't putting them on.

"Uh well you're obviously deaf because we had been screaming your name!" Enoch mocked. "Hey hey calm down! Lets go back to the lounging area before Miss Peregrine notices and also, put your clothes on Millard" I hissed. "It's to hot" Millard argued. "Well that's your choice Millard but I can tell you that Miss Peregrine probably won't cope with your decision" I said and with that, Millard probably rolled his eyes and got his clothes back on as  we made our way downstairs just in time since Miss Peregrine called for Millard and Olive to help her with the hot chocolate and the rest of us decided to remain seated in the lounge. 

After a while, Olive and Millard came in with our hot chocolate and was soon followed by Miss Peregrine who told Horace to start since the lights were already off. 

~ A F T E R    T H E    D R E A M~ (Sorry, ill bore you if I did the dream)

"Aren't we going to do the reset?" Fiona asked since we still remained seated in our position when we would usually be doing the reset. 

"Fi we aren't in the loop, remember?" Hugh said. "It's feel so weird not watching the reset!" Claire exclaimed and got up from where she was sitting and sat next to Miss Peregrine. "Can we show our peculiarity's to Mr and Mrs Portman, Miss Peregrine!" Bronwyn asked as a smile curled onto her face. 

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