Chapter four: page forty/ forty-two

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"Excuse me sir but your brother has slipped into a comma." Said the doctor walking out of his room. "Do you know how long he's gonna be in the comma?" I asked. "I'm not sure son, but if he's not woken up by four weeks, I think we should pull the plug." He said and walked away. Then I felt a presence sit down next to me. "He'll be fine Jack, I promise." Madison said while wrapping her arm around me. "Apart of me knew I should've went to that party, but no I was so tied up in my own problems and shit." I said starting to become mad. "Jack don't blame yourself, he'll be fine I promise." She said trying to clam me down. "Do you Madison?! DO YOU?!" I yelled at her. Then it was silent for awhile. "No I don't know Jack, but I do know he needs you as a best friend to stay strong for him while he's fighting for his life, now that's what I do know." She said in a calm voice.

Ten minutes later Jack's parents show up. "Is he alright, did the doctor tell you anything yet?!" Mrs. Glinisky asked walking towards us worried. "They said that he had a level five of alcohol poisoning mixed with some type of hardcore drug which they think is heroine but their waiting on the results and he slipped into a comma ten minutes ago." I said in shame. "Oh god." His mother said worried. "How long will he be in the comma?" His dad asked. "Their not sure but if he's not out in four weeks their pulling the plug." I answered. "Jack where were you when all this happened?" Mr. Gilinsky asked. "I was over a friends house." I answered. "So who brought him here or called the ambulance." Mr. Gilinsky asked. "That would be me sir." Madison said, making her self noticeable to Mrs&Mr Gilinsky. "Well thank you." Mr. Gilinsky said. "I think you should go home hun since it's late and all." Mrs. Gilinsky said. "No it's fine." Madison said. "You sure your parents wouldn't mind?" Mrs. Gilinsky asked. "Not at all, I already texted them and told them everything." She said.


Two weeks later

I've been sitting here for two whole weeks exactly. School started back up a week ago but I never showed. Madison went back back to school yesterday, she told me to call once he wakes up and to keep her in the loop of everything. My phone died three days ago so I haven't talked or seen no one, due to probably all the missed messages from Shannon and other people. My mom says that Shannon has been trying to get in touch with me to make sure that Gilinsky and I are okay, she also said that Shannon keeps dropping off all the homework and class work I missed, and also did the same for Gilinsky. Gilinsky's dad went back to work two days ago because he couldn't miss any more days of work, so basically it's been just me and Mrs. Gilinsky sitting here waiting for Jack to wake up.

"He'll make it through Jack." Mrs. Gilinsky said in a soothing voice. I hope so cause I'm really not ready to burry another person that's close to me, cause that would make me literally kill myself with out a doubt. "He's a strong boy." She said once again.

Hours later

Right now it's twelve-thirty in the morning and I'm wide awake sitting next to Jack's bedside thinking. Mr. Gilinsky  came and picked up Mrs. Gilinsky after work cause he felt that she needed some rest. He told me to go home and get some rest too but I refuse to leave his bedside. Now that I think about it, I haven't been to sleep since the night Shannon slept over my house and that was about two and half weeks ago. Then all of a sudden I saw Jack's hand move from out the corner of my eye. I look to see Jack starting to open his eyes. So I hit the red button on the side of his bed that calls for the nurse to come. She soon entered the room with a tray, which contained water and ibuprofen. She sat him up in bed and gave him the ibuprofen and water and laid him back down. Once she exited the room he looked over at me. "How long have I been out?" He asked. "Two an a half weeks." I answered with a raspy voice. "Who brought me here?" He asked. "A girl named Madison." I answered, then it was quiet. "I saw– I mean spoke to your sister." He said looking at the ceiling.


"What did she say?" I asked looking at the floor. "She asked if I believed in soul mates and I answered with an I don't know, she said that we might be each other's true love, but we still can't be together, the only time we'll be together is when time ends it's self and beings again, and that she is just a memory in the past." He said brimming to tears. "Jack was she trying to say–" he started to say till I cut him off. "Jack if you love something you'll let it go, and if it comes back then it's true love." I said, "Jack don't let her go mentally, but let her go physically. Yeah she is your first love, but what she's trying to say is that she will be your last. Think of it this way, your still young and dumb so make mistakes grow up and raise a family and shit, but when you die is when your true love beings, cause life is a brief intermission between birth and death." I said.

"Will I ever fall in love with someone like I've fallen for your sister?" He asked.

"The truth is I don't know, but you'll fall in love with someone, but you won't be a 100% happy with that person maybe only like 99.5% happy with that person but it won't be enough for you to end it with that person." I answered, not sure if that made since. Then it was quiet once again. "Jack.." Jack said disturbing the quietness. "Why is life becoming so complicated all of a sudden?" He asked. "Because I think the person who always made our lives more easier and balanced is now gone, and leaving it up to us to find another source of support." I answered.

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