Chapter two:page twenty-twenty-one

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I closed the door and went back to my room and into my closet and sat the the bin down and picked up the folder that was sitting on top. I walked out my room and headed down stairs to see my mom about to leave once she saw me, she walked over and wrapped her arms around me and gave me a big hug and I wrapped my arms around her too but vary lightly. "Thank you at least I still know that you love me." She said and I hugged her tighter in response. We broke apart from the hug and we both exited the house together. We walked to my dad's car and I helped mom in and closed the door. She rolled down the window "you know where we're meeting right?" She asked. I nodded in response and my dad pulled off. I walked over to my car and took my phone out my pocket and looked at it to see the small scratch it made when I dropped it on Monday.

I plugged my phone in on the charger I have in my car and then started the car and pulled off halfway there my phone tuned back on and started dinging like a mad man. I came to a stop light to see missed calls and unread text messages are still loading. Once they were done loading and I logged into my phone I literally had 1,101 miss calls, 3,445 missed messages, 600 snapchats, 1,000 tweets, 650 Instagram DM's. I went to messages and stared scrolling through the people who has texted me and there was a lot from people at school texting for when they found out about my sister, some family members, cousins, Diana, Jack, Morgan, and my sister? I opened up my messages from my sister to see she sent over 300 photos and videos of us and texting random things.


I looked up to see that the light turned green so I started driving. Then I went to miss calls to see a bunch from Diana, Morgan, and Jack. I clicked on the voicemail to hear every one who left voicemails and it started playing through. I got through half of them till I had to stop cause I arrived at the graveyard. I got out and put my sun glasses on and started walking up the hill with the folder in my hand. Once I got over the hill I saw Jack, Morgan, Diana, and the rest is family or friends of my parents but not Shannon. Morgan spotted me and instantly started walking over and gave me a big hug. "She's happy now believe me." She said as her voice muffled into my shoulder. All I did was hug back "Morgan he's not going to talk well at least not yet but he knows whenever he needs to talk we're always here for him." Jack said. Then Diana came over and Morgan just rolled her eyes wanting smack the shit out of her. "Come on Jack." Morgan said pulling Jack over to their seats. "Hey baby how come you didn't call or text me back?" She asked. "And I'm sorry about your sister hun but these things happened you know.

Hold the hell up did this bitch just now say these things happen like bitch do you see it everyday on the news someone killing their selves? Cause I don't think so. "Are you going to talk to me or just stand there like manikin on display?" She said. I feel like if I speak I'm going to say some real hurtful shit to her cause I'm really not in the mood to be dealing with her. So I just walked around her and sat on the piano bench and just waited for it to get started. As I was sitting there I started to realizing where has Shannon been? Like I know she's in Brazil but wouldn't someone have told her the news by now? I wish I had her number cause I would text her but I don't. Now that I think about it I really don't have none of her contact information. Then I think we'll maybe Morgan do so I pulled my phone out texted her.

J- hey do you have Shannon's number or any of her contact information?
M- no but I did stop by her house and the house keeper said that they're in Brazil and that she left her phone here by accident.
J- well did the lady give you a land line?
M- no but she gave me her dads number and I called and she's not with her dad until thanksgiving day cause he's at a meeting somewhere.
J-well okay.
M-she'll be back and she'll make it all go away I promise.
J- she's not going to be back till we go to school which will be the 30th.
M- I'm sorry Jack.

I didn't text back but I did leave her on read. I turned forward so the funeral can being.

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