Chapter three: page thirty

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I laid here in total darkness just looking up at the ceiling just doing what I do best... thinking. I looked over at the clock to see it's one thirty AM. I could tell Shannon wasn't sleep cause she was still in the same position and rubbing her hands through my hair. I'm kinda scared to fall back asleep cause I feel the same dream might come back to me with something worse. I feel like my body is slightly caving into something but I can't quite put my finger on what it is. I roll over on my side and grip onto Shannon's body for warmth and comfort. As my arms are snaked around her I feel as though my thoughts are becoming clearer and I might have a solution. "Shannon..." I said. "Hmm?" She replied back. "I think I need a recovery but I think I'm too far from it." I said and then it was silent. "Your never to far from a recovery." She said. "Then would you help me?" I said making my voice almost crack. "I would be glad to." She said and kissed the top of my head.

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