Chapter one: page nine-ten

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(picture of his angel)

The warning bell ringed and we all looked at our schedules. "I have Mr. Angle." I said. "Same." Gilinsky replied. "I have Mr. Johnson." Morgan said. "Oh I had him last year and trust me stay on his good side." Gilinsky warned. She nodded and we all went to our classes. Me and Gilinsky walked in and took the two seats near the right wall second row back. We sat down and started listening to him speak. Soon homeroom came for me since I don't have study hall or help out with the office but Morgan and Jack does so I'm suck in class listening to my teacher talk about why we should secede in life so I'm half way sleep. "Sleepy much?" A girl asked. I looked over to see Diana Ross. The schools slut and my first victim of the year. "So let me guess a lucky girl kept you up all night and that means I won't have a turn right?" She said. I shrugged "it depends what you got to offer." I said. "More than her." She said. "Is that right baby girl well since you think you can offer the best here's my number and call me one day when you want to prove it." I said handing her a piece of paper with my number on it and then the bell ranged.

She smiled and took it and I left the class room. I walked out the class and someone immediately ran smack dab into my chest. I looked down to see who had fallen to the ground and it was my sister. "Hey little one you lost?" I asked my sister. She looked up and I helped her up off the ground and handed her, her lunch box. "Yeah a little which way is lunch?" She asked straightening her clothes. "Alright so your going to turn around and go this way make a right and go straight and then you should see a stair case and you'll go down there and you should find your way from there." I said. "Thanks." She said and walked the other way. "Wait are you okay cause I noticed you hit your head when you fell." I said stopping Sarina. She nodded and smile and turned around the other way. The hallways were pretty clear so I checked my schedule to see I have lunch too so I should have walked with Sarina to lunch but it's to late now. I walked into the nosies cafeteria and went to my table which was located right in the middle of it all. "Hey Jack," Morgan said and took a seat with a lunch tray and her lunchbox. "Hey." I said. "Here I decided to be nice today and get your lunch for you so don't expect it all the time." She said and slid the tray to me. "Thanks." I said and started to eat a French fry. "Ay yo Jack, today is a good first day cause since I have gym with literally a bunch of girls which is heaven. I gave them all both of our numbers and we got invited to the first party of the year by a senior guy and it's supposed to be lit." He said and sat down next to Morgan and across from me. "That's amazing." I said checking through the over two thousand emails Morgan sent me.


I looked up from my phone to meet eye to eye with my angel. Once she noticed me she flashed me a adorable smile and looked away and payed attention to what my sister was saying. "Jack...Jack!" Morgan said making me tear my eyes away from that gorgeous angel. "Yeah?" I said looking at them. "Nothing just making sure your okay." She said. "Yeah I'm good but who is she." I said making both of them direct their eye contact to my so called angel. "Not sure I didn't find her see her at all through the emails I sent you." Morgan said. "Nah I haven't seen her maybe check with the list of girls I sent you." Gilinsky said shrugging it off. I went back to eating to have Jack to realize something. "Wait is that your so called "angel" you was telling us about?" Jack asked. "Yeah why?" I said while eating a fry. "I know her now that I think about it her father is really close to my dad and her mom was born and raised in the Dominican Republic and she died from heart disease and her step mom is around her earlier thirties, a beautiful chocolate brown skin complexion and has a great body and she's a Brazilian. Her dad is an high executive CEO you know the kind that can ruin your dad and mom's business and he's tall mixed with Dominican and African American." He said. "So she has an accent?" I asked. "No not really cause she been here so long but when ever she's mad she'll literally start saying shit in Spanish which is pretty sexy and a major turn on cause I spent half the summer with her and her family in Brazil." He said bitting an apple. "So what's her name." I asked. "You know I don't know." He said. "How the hell don't you know what her name is if you spent half the summer in Brazil with her." I said. "I don't know but I know it starts with an S tho." He said. "Really." I said in an are you kidding me face.

"Yeah cause to be honest I was just either looking at other girls or looking at her ass but anyway she too much of a goody two shoes so if you trying to hit then just do it as a hit it and quit it thing don't do it on a delay basis thing or you'll have drama." Jack said. I looked down just thinking that I'm just going to have to do more than a hit it and quit it thing I think I'm going to have to make her mine. I looked back up and made eye contact with her again to see her showing that beautiful smile and laugh as she laughed at whatever Sarina said. She looked away from Sarina to try and calm her laughter and in the process she made eye contact with me and went from a laugh, to a giggle, to a beautiful smile that always seems to make my heart skip a beat.  She gave me a small wave which made me smile and look down. I looked back up to see her gone and the bell ringing indicating that lunch was over.

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