Chapter four: page forty-three

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A couple weeks had past and it was back to school for me and Jack. A couple weeks ago Morgan went ghost which mean she wasn't answering none of our calls, texts, or emails. We went past her house to see it's empty with no trace of anyone every living here. The house was painted a different color, the grass is well manicured and heathy, the back yard was empty and pristine too. There was no trace of any dogs back here, no holes from when her dogs buried their bones, no nothing. Jack got out one of the old keys she gave us a couple years back and put it in the keyhole to unlock it. We walked in to see complete emptiness, as we walked in our foot steps echoed through the house. We went up stairs to see her parents room empty, the guest bedrooms empty, her room empty with nothing in site. We went up to the attic to see some boxes left behind. We opened the boxes to see everything that consisted of us as friends.

Old pictures of us in kindergarten until last year, then stopped. Since her mom owns the house and I don't see a for sale sign or nothing, and whatever happened to her and her family, I know Morgan will never let her mom sell this house, because this house contains all of her memories from a child till now. Me and Jack left the house and got in his Jeep and just sat there looking at the house and letting old memories flood in from when we were children. "Do you feel as though something is happening that lead to Sarina's death and Morgan's disappearance?" Jack asked while looking over at me. "I'm not sure but whatever is happening will never get the answers we're looking for." I said continuing to look at the house.

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