Chapter two:page sixteen-seventeen

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It's been little over a week of being off for Thanksgiving and it's almost up cause thanksgiving is this Saturday and it's Monday now. Right now I'm heading home from Jack's house cause me and Morgan decided to kick it at his house. I soon pulled into the driveway to see my parents aren't home. I walked up to the front door and unlocked it I walked in and closed the door. "HELLO?!...SARINA ARE YOU HOME??!" I shouted through the house and I got no answer. I walked to the kitchen to see if Sarina left a note as to where she was going and there was nothing but I did see a letter addressed to her from the hospital that's already been open. So I took the note out of the opened envelope and read it.

Dear, Ms. Johnson

On your last week check up when you came in on 11/16/16 we finally got your results back and yes your lung cancer is coming back but it's coming back stronger than ever so we would like for you to start chemo therapy again and maybe finally defeat it for good so please call this number 434-589-666254 for any question and for you to set up your chemo therapy and if not taking the therapy you might only have two to three months to live.

Dr. Jerry

Once I finished reading it I could already feel the tears brimming to my eyes. I pulled out my phone and instantly started calling her to figure out where she is and if she is okay. As it was dialing I became even more nervous on if she was okay then I heard her phone ring up stairs in her room. I immediately dropped my phone and ran upstairs as fast as I could down the hall to her room. Once I reached the top of the stair case I saw her bedroom door cracked and her bed room light on to brighten up her soft pink bedroom. I ran to the end of the hall and busted through her half opened door to not see her in her room. So I walked more into her room towards her bathroom to see that it is a little cracked and the light on. I started knocking on the door while opening it a little. "Sarina..." I said while opening it to see if I could get a sound out of her if she is in here. But I got no answer. I opened it completely up and walked in a little to see my little sister having blood dripping from both of her wrists and hanging by a rope on a curtain rod. I was shocked, surprised, stunned, hurt, empty, frozen, confused, but most importantly sad. Then I let a single tear drop and this time my angel wasn't here to catch it. I just steadied standing here looking at my bloody cold lifeless sister dangle from her curtain rod in her bathroom.

Pg. 17

"JACK!!!...JACK!!!...SARINA!!!... SARINA!!!" I heard my mom yell while I heard her heels clicking on the marble floor. Then I heard her start coming up the stairs. "Jack?...Sarina??" I heard her say while looking through bedroom doors. "Oh there you are Jack... what you looking at?" I heard mom say while walking towards me and more into Sarina's room then to her bathroom to see the exact same thing I'm looking at. "OH MY GOD!!! JUSTIN!!! JUSTIN!!! COME QUICK!!!" My mom said shouting at the top of her lungs while crying for my dad. "What?...What is it?" He asked and then he saw the exact same thing we see. Then my mom collapsed on the floor crying her eyes out while my father tried holding it together and taking his phone and calling the police and ambulance. While I just stood there not doing nothing but standing still as a statue. Soon all the noise and everything zoned out and became silent it was like I became death cause I couldn't heard anything and everything started to move in slow motion. Then I was taken out of the bathroom by two police officers and brought out of the room and down stairs.

"Son...Son... are you okay... can you hear me??" The police officer said trying to get my attention or to get me to talk but I wouldn't budge but I did see my dead sister being rolled out the house on a stretcher. Then I took a seat right on the floor and brung my knees up to my chest and put my head down trying to think this isn't real. Now the only think that is going through my head was why... with no explanation or question just the word why with a voice screaming at the top of its lungs why. Making me shake and rock back and forth. I felt like I was about to pass out and wake up making this be an what if thing playing all through my head but I was wrong it was real as life. I looked up to see my mom at the door with her face red and puffy then she looked over at me and came over and squat down and wiped my cheeks. My cheeks were dry as a desert and my eyes were red as the bright color it's self. "It's okay to let your tears fall honey." She said trying not to cry. All I did was get up and walk up stairs to my room and close the door. I was about to lay down when I saw a crisp white envelope laying on my perfectly neat bed which said Jack on the front of it. I sat down and opened the letter.

Hey Jack it's me Sarina rina... I know you've already seen what I did and your probably asking why or your inner voice is. Well I have a lot of reasons why one is because my lung cancer is back and I remember when I was going through chemo therapy that it caused a lot of problems between mom and dad and before I've been wanting to end my life cause life was too much and when I got the letter that said I had two to three months to live I said why not die quick and less painfully than longer and more painfully. Also because of some of the shit I've been going through in school you know stuff you wouldn't understand cause your Mr. Popular. My thing is for a "devil child" you've been through a lot of tragedy I guess that's why the name suits you. Lol... cheer up Mr. Depressed. I know what your thinking jokes really... well in order for some people they need to die and escape and for others they need to live in order to die and that's me so I escaped this cruel world to become free and happy and Jack we all knew I was going to die eventually I just made it shorter than god planned and Jack I'm literally looking over you right now and I can see you reading this note and having teary eyes but the thing is I did it to be free not just to look over you no I did it from Gilinsky cause you already have angel you meet her in kindergarten...awe love at first sight don't you but Jack I just wanted to say thank you for being the amazing brother you are and making me smile and feel safe cause you want to know the truth you were my actual real and only friend besides Amar. I've seen your future believe it or not your not going to hell but no matter what you do smile for me please and continue being my best friend... and I promise I'll come and visit you. Just so you know I don't really regret doing this but I do regret leaving you if you want to know the truth but I didn't want to take you with and I didn't feel like being strong no more cause I felt as if I was becoming weaker than usual... one more thing it's okay to cry but once you finish smile at all the things we did together and all the silly photos we took and for my funeral I want you to play is füs Elise and I found another song for you to play and whenever you play it think of me please it's called Moonlight Sonata 3rd mvt. I find that you'll love that one the most and you'll find it in my room with bunch of my other songs I want you to have... and I love you big bro and your future looks amazing just to let you know.

P.S If I'm a security guard at a Samsung galaxy store does that make me a guardian of the galaxy??...Lol... I told you I should become a comedian one day.

Your sister Sarina rina

With that I laid down knowing that I actually did lose my baby sister and best friend forever. All I could do is pray that I don't get charged with murder cause once I find out who made my sister commit suicide I might actually kill them.

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