Chapter four: page thirty-seven/ thirty-nine

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I know she's disappointed about how our night is turning out and shit but I can't help it. I soon pulled up to Sammy's house to see red solo cups everywhere, a bunch of cars lined up, loud music playing, different color lights flashing out the house, and a bunch of toilet paper stringed out on the lawn and on the big tree that's in front of his house. I parked my car and got out and started walking up to the house. When I walked in I was hit with the strong smell of alcohol and weed. As I entered the house more my eyes started to burn from all the clouds of smoke that was in the atmosphere. Then I spotted a drunk Diana grinding on some dude on the dance floor. I swear she's a slut. "Diana!...Diana!!" I shouted walking towards her. "Jack! H-heyyy baby." She said leaning all on me. Oh god she smelled like alcohol. "Diana get the fuck off of me and where's Jack?" I said pushing her away from me. "What crawled up your ass and died?!" She said. "Diana where's Jack?!" I asked again. "Th-the bitch wouldn't listen and t-t-took him somewhere, I th-th-think the hospital." She said stuttering and then she passed out on the floor. I should of just left her there to get raped or some shit but my too kind of a heart wouldn't let me, so I picked her up and carried her outside to my car. I put her in the backseat and pulled off to start heading towards Diana's house.

I soon pulled up in Diana's driveway to see her parents aren't home but her sister probably is. I got out and went to the front door and knocked on it. "Hey Jack." Diana's sister, Sam said. "Hey Sam." I said. "Jack are you okay?" She asked. "Yeah just a little cold." I said. "Nah dip cause your wearing basketball shorts, a black shirt, with no jacket once so ever, and black and white nikes." She said pointing out the obvious. "Yeah, yeah whatever, but your sister needs help." I said. "What you mean?" She asked confused and starting to become worried. "I went to go pick Jack up at Sammy's party and found her passed out on the floor." I said. "Did she take any drugs?" She asked. Knowing Diana my answer was a simple "No." I answered. "Alright bring her in and lay her on the couch." She said opening the front door wider. I went back to go get Diana's lifeless body out the backseat and carried her into the house and laid her down on the couch. "See ya Sam!" I shouted while leaving. "Bye!" She shouted from the kitchen. I got in my car and pulled out of their driveway and started driving towards the hospital. On the way there I wonder why I never thought to hook up with Diana's sister, like she's pretty, smart, has an okay body, beautiful smile, good girl, loyal, one year younger than me, doesn't drink nor smoke. Oh wait I know why I already got a girl whose like that but the girl I got is more adventurous, great body, funny, and she's the same age as me, plus she understands me. Now that I think about it, the only difference between them is that I'll play one like a damn video game and treat the other one like the princess she is, just that simple.


I soon pulled up to the hospital and found a parking spot and got out to immediately rush inside to the front desk. "Jack Gilinsky please?!" I said not letting the lady at the front desk speak at all. "Are you a family member or a partner?" She asked typing something into a computer. "I'm his brother." I answered lying. "Okay and you spell Gilinsky as G-I-L-I-N-S-K-Y?" She asked. "Yes ma'am." I answered. "Well Your brother is located on the second floor." She answered, and with that I dashed to the elevator and pressed two. I soon arrived on the second floor and went to the desk to ask for Jack again. "Hi I'm here for Jack Gilinsky." I said looking directly at the lady. "Are you-" she started to say but I cut her off in mid sentence. "Yes, I'm his brother." I answered. "Okay well can you sit down over there and wait for the doctor to come out." She said in a soft soothing tone. I did what the lady said and went to go sit down. I sat three seats down from a girl who looks like she seen a ghost. Ten minutes of sitting here I went off into my own little world. "Excuse me..." said a girl who brought me out of my daze. "Yes?" I answered looking over at her. "Do you go to Riverside High?" She asked. "Yea why?" I asked. "Do you know by chance who Jack Johnson is?" She asked. "Maybe why?" I answered. "Oh, I was asking cause I bought in his I think best friend, Jack Gilinsky and I'm not sure if he has been informed yet and I was wondering if you had his number to call and tell him that Jack is in the hospital." She said. "Oh, so your the girl Maddie who brought him to the hospital and I'm Jack by the way, also thank you for getting him to the hospital for me." I said introducing myself. "Your welcome and the name is Madison not Maddie." She said.

"So how long have he been back there?" I asked. "Close to two hours almost." She answered. "Do you know what happened?" I asked. "All I know is that he took a drink from one of his friends and took one small sip and immediately fell to the ground and started shaking and coughing up some foam, it kinda look like he had gotten alcohol poisoning." She said starting to be reminded of the freashly horrifying memories that just happened. "How do you know he was a friend of his?" I asked. "Because he trusted him enough to take the drink." She answered. "Do you remember who he looks like?" I asked. "Well no all I remember is that his name started with an 'S'." She answered. Well I can rule out twenty guys off the top of my head but that also leaves me with five guys to choose from. "Family of Jack Gilinsky?" Said a man in a white lab coat. "Yes!" I said getting up and walking over to him anxiously while Madison stay's seated. "Well he barely made it but he's stable now. He has had a level five of alcohol poisoning but mixed with some serious hardcore type of drug, my guess is probably heroine but we're waiting on the results. I will say, with the condition he was in I'm surprised he hasn't slipped into a coma." He said looking at his clipboard. "Are we allowed to see him now?" I asked. "I'm sorry you can't but he's in room 5130." He said and walked away.


I walked down to his room and looked through the small window to see there's a nurse in there making sure everything is okay and for me to also see tubes hooked up in his mouth and throat, and wires hooked up on both sides of his arms. Just by me looking at this site of my best friend made tears form in my eyes. It almost looks as if he's been hit by a car or in an terrible accident just minus all the scrapes, cuts, and bruises. If only I was there at the party instead of at Shannon's house, I would have prevented this from happening to him or for me to be in this situation instead of him. I looked away from the door and sat down on one of the chairs that's lined up against the wall, to called his parents to tell him everything, but I just ended up sobbing over the phone to them and then I heard a loud ass beeping sound from Jack's room and then to see a bunch of doctors and nurses rushing into his room. All I did was sit there and cry even more.

"Excuse me sir, but we're vary sorry to say that..."

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