Chapter three: page twenty-eight/ twenty-nine

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I woke up with a jolt, my body covered in sweat, and breathing as if I just ran a marathon twenty times in a row. I look around to be met by a pitch black room. I reached over to turn my light on to see it's twelve thirty in the morning. I plopped back down on the bed to see Shannon curled up next to me. She looked so peaceful and innocent. I got up and went to the bathroom to gather myself together. I walked in the bathroom and just stood there looking at my reflection in the mirror just wondering if what I was told in my nightmare was true or not. Am I really just a monster to everyone? But if so how? I turned the faucet on and bent down and splashed some water in my face to feel a little refreshed. I turned the bathroom light off and exited the bathroom to be met by a still sleeping Shannon. I walked to my bedroom door and flicked a light switch that turned my ceiling fan on and walked back over to my side of the bed. I laid down and just looked up at the ceiling just thinking.

"Jack what's wrong?" Asked a small voice. I looked over to see Shannon looking up at me with those big beautiful brown eyes of her's. "Oh sorry... I didn't mean to wake you." I said turning to reach my bedside lamp that was on my small night stand next to me. I turned the light off and got up underneath the covers. "Jack I could tell you was having a nightmare from the way your breathing kept increasing in your sleep." She said and I felt her move around. "Was it about Sarina?" She asked vary cautiously like it was a trigger word that would make me explode into a million pieces. I turned the light back on and looked over at her to see she's sitting cris cross applesauce on the bed looking at me. "It was about who I truly am I guess." I said. "But I can't believe I'm actually a monster who was made by the man himself." I said staring at the ceiling and getting lost into my own words.


"I thought I already knew who I was, I thought I wasn't going to be scared to meet him... if knowing and looking at my own self was scary enough and a nightmare then imagine what he must look like... I guess it would be my biggest nightmare but according to myself I'm his right hand man, his best friend so I guess I am going straight to hell with out a doubt... I guess I'm okay with it like apart of me is okay with it because I always knew I was heading there for all the sins of a young boy like myself created but then the other part is scared to death and just want to go hide in a corner like a scared little boy." I said forgetting I was speaking out loud and that Shannon was here listening with all ears. I looked over just wondering if she sees what I'm talking about or if she's scared but I was wrong she was trying to search for what I was talking about and had a curious face.

Then she came and sat next to my laid down body and to have her self reclined back on my headboard. She started rubbing her fingers through my hair to calm me down and for me to breath. "Jack I see your monsters and I also feel your pain believe me but I also see your soul crying for help and fighting for it's life as that monster is trying to take it's place." She said. "Jack your a regular person with a demon at your throat. Your not going to hell, your to place where your sister is and where happiness lies, it's a place called heaven." She said. I would love to believe her, I really would but that would just be in denial as to why would I deny the horrible truth with a magical and relieving lie? Why would I do this to myself? I guess because I would live out my days stress free from this topic but when I die I'm going to be meet by the reality aren't I?

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