Chapter three: page twenty-six/ twenty- seven

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"Jack...Jack...JACK!!" I heard Sarina's voice call. I opened my eyes and looked around to see I'm in my room laying on my bed. I looked up to see Sarina standing over me worried. "Are you okay?" She asked. "Yeah I'm fine b-but aren't you dead?" I asked confused. "No I'm not dead what are you talking about you see I'm live and well?" She said confused as well. "Wait so it was all a dream??" I asked. "Yeah so whatever you was thinking in that little head of yours was all made up of your figment of imagination." She answered and walked out. I got up and sat on the side of the bed to rekindle my thoughts. "It was a dream?... but it was so realistic I thought I was actually living it." I said to myself. I got up and exited my room and headed towards Sarina's room to tell her about my dream. "Hey Rina you'll never believe the most craziest dream I ever had." I said walking into her room. "Rina??... Rina?... where are you at?" I asked walking more into her room and heading for the bathroom. I opened the door to be greeted by my sisters hanging body. Then her head shot up. "Surprise I'm dead." She said and started laughing like a maniac. Then a deep chuckle came up from behind me.

I turned around to be met by the bathroom mirror to see myself. "Hey Jack." Said a guy with a small wave who looked just like me, but the difference was he had a dangerous and creepy smile on his face and his eyes were a little darker than my blue/green eyes. I didn't say anything I just stood there scared an shocked. "What's wrong it looks like you seen a ghost sunny boy?" He said with a Devilish smile. "Who are you? Matter a fact what are you?" I asked scared to death. "I'm you silly." He said like it was the most obvious thing. "N-no y-your...wait what?" I asked not knowing what to say. Right here, right now I feel like I'm going to have an anxiety attack that would kill me. "I'm your inner you, your sole, what you actually look like on the inside." He answered. "Well this is not what exactly look like... you mostly look like this." He said and transformed into a body that was a bright blood red, with long red skinny fingers, fingers nails that was as long and sharp as Freddy Krueger's, bright white sharp teeth, a gigantic creepy grin that spreads from ear to ear, eyes that are bright yellow with pure black around them.


His eyes almost looked like an owls eyes looking into the dark night, two small red horns popping out from the top of his forehead, and fire all around him. "A-am I actually the d-devil?" I asked in disbelief. "Do you remember meeting God?" He asked. Before I could answer or think he answered for me. "No your not the devil Jack your a demon, an fallen angel that couldn't be caught and saved actually now that I think about it your the Devils right hand man believe it or not." He said. "See Jack your capable of doing so many things that it's so unimaginable but sadly I'm not here to tell you that, I'm here to tell you the truth." He said and his devilish grin went to a serious and sympathetic face. "Your alone, you don't have no friends, your a demon and everybody can see that, your a monster in everyones eyes that's why their so scared of you, your parents are scared of you cause they found out the truth and killed their self for it cause they couldn't believe they actually birthed an demon child, your so called best friends moved away from you cause they don't want to be your next victim, your so deadly that when God sent you an angel you just pushed her away.

You did it because your a monster that was created by the man himself." He said trying to hold back his devilish smirk with every word. "Your lying!" I said trying not to believe it. "Really Jack... you don't believe me your only and true friend? Look to your left Jack what do you see?" He asked. I didn't notice everything was pitch black around us and the only light that was here was the light coming off the mirror that my so called "self" was in. Then I looked back at the mirror to see him gone and just my own innocent and confused reflection. "Look around Jack all you see is darkness and loneliness don't you?" he says into my ear while chuckling. "LOOK AROUND JACK DON'T YOU SEE THE DEAD BODIES, DON'T YOU SEE THEIR POOR SOLES, DON'T YOU SEE THEIR CRY FOR HELP? DON'T YOU JACK, DON'T YOU???!!!!!!" He said screaming and having his voice to change into a dark piercing scream for help. Then I took my eyes off the counter and to look around to see what he was talking about.

"DON'T YOU?!!" He shouted again.

Is this really the pain I bring to people? Did my sister do it because of me? Am I the murder? Is that what this is all about?... to tell me the reason for my sisters death was because of me?! Am I really this broken, am I really just a monster? Is this all true? Is my life literally done for? Am I too far to have recovery? What should I do??

"JUST SOMEONE PLEASE HELP!!!!!!! JUST SOMEONE TELL ME THE TRUTH!!!!" I shouted at the top of my lungs.

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