Chapter two: page eleven- tweleve

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A couple years has pasted and it's now senior year for me but Junior year for Sarina. I finally learned the name of my so called angle her name is Shannon A. Jackson. The reason why it took me so long to find her cause there was at least five different people who name was Shannon but later her on I realized she went by her middle name Amor which means love in Portuguese. Jack was right she is Brazilian, Dominican Republic, and African American. In eleventh grade me and her had one class together which was chemistry and she was my assigned partner for the year. She's vary bright and intelligent, she has literally a body of a goddess cause of her perfect curves and more. It's like she's just perfect in every way but the thing is whenever I was around her it was like nothing mattered but her and that I'll push my player ways aside for her but once she leaves my sight or when I realized that she isn't mine or that I couldn't keep her or claim her as mine I went back to my player ways.

Yes I will admit I have almost fucked every girl in the school except the ones that are in tenth and ninth grade, so yeah you can call me a man whore or whatever cause I won't deny it cause I know I did it but at least I'm not like Jack and literally fucked every girl in the school and went back for a round two, and decided to be in a relationship with ten of them at the same time and play them all, like I'm surprised that he hasn't caught aids or STD's yet. But see me on the other hand before I did anything I told them that it was just a hit it and quit thing and nothing more so at least I was nice enough to tell them and of course they agreed to it but they still didn't understand the term hit it and quit it cause they kept on being all on me and following me around like a lost puppy like damn bitch like have you ever hear of personal space?


The one thing I will admit is when ever I have a bad day or I just need a fuck and nothing more I would always call Diana and she would always be there at my beck and call. Now Morgan on the other hand turned out to be bisexual. Me and Jack always knew she was cause of some of the things she did but we decided to stay silent and wait for her to come out and tell us when she was ready. When she finally did Jack was so relieved cause he's not good at keeping secrets half the time between us. Now Morgan is in a steady relationship with a girl named Samantha. Samantha is different cause she's emo and me and Jack really don't go for emo girls like that cause I guess they remind us of Morgan cause Morgan is emo. Anyway we later on found out that Samantha is okay friends with my sister and Shannon.

Me and Jack also became friends with the schools jock/"bad boy" Sammy. Me and Jack both think he's just being our friend cause half the girls he wants to get with won't get with him cause they like us.

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