Chapter four: page thrity-four/ thirty-six

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Pg. 34

Hours later 

Me and Shannon just now got back from doing whole bunch of stuff. We went early Christmas shopping which was fun cause we both made fools of ourselves in every store we went into, then went to Walmart for her to buy some bed room decorations for Christmas, and lastly we went to the senior citizens home to go and visit her grandfather. Now we're back at her house to chill. "Damn I didn't realize how much shit you bought." I said while helping Shannon carry in all these bags. "Jack shut up I have more bags than you do so stop complaining." She said as we started going up the stairs. We both entered her room and immediately dropped all bags in the middle of the floor, and plopped down on her bed. "Well that was a lot of work don't you think?" She said kinda out of breath. "Yup." I said agreeing. "Excuse me, Miss. Jackson I'm going to head home now so is there anything that you need me to do before I go?" Miss García asked.  "No, but thank you for asking Mrs. García." Shannon said and with that Miss. García walked away. "Hey what does señora mean?" I asked turning to look at Shannon. "It means Mrs in Spanish." She answered. "Oh so her name is Mrs. García." I asked. "Yup." She said and got up to go to her desk.

I took my phone out to see what time it is and it is eight-thirty at night. I locked my phone and sat up and looked over at Shannon. "Hey I'm gonna head home since it's late." I said getting up. "Why stop the fun?" She asked spinning around in her desk chair. "Do you know if your parents would let you spend the night?" She asked. "The question is would your parents let me spend the night?" I said. "We wouldn't be doing anything, they're not here, and they wouldn't care." She answered. "Now back to you, would your parents let you spend the night?" She asked. "They wouldn't care." I answered. "Great then a sleepover it is." She said cheerfully. "Shannon I don't have anything to sleep in." I said. Then she got up exited the room and then came back with some basketball shorts. "Here ya go." she said tossing them to me. I left the room to go get changed into my shorts and then came back to find a bunch of wrapping paper scattered all over the place. "The hell?" I said looking at the mess she created within five minutes. "Alright grab the bags and set them on the bed so we can start wrapping them." She said. I did as told and grabbed the bags and set them on the bed and she immediately started taking things out. Halfway through wrapping I saw to bags that looked unfamiliar. "Hey I don't remember going to these stores." I said about to look in the bags, but for it to be jerked away from me. "Hey!" I said in disappointment. "You can't see what's in there." She said. "Why not?" I asked. "Cause those are personals in there." She said. "Ouuu let me see the lingerie, I promise I won't judge." I said reaching for the bags. "Nope sorry Jack." She said and went to put the bags up. When she came back my phone started ringing.


I looked at the caller ID to see it's Jack so I answered. "Hey, there's a party tonight so where you at?" He asked once I answered. "What party?" I asked. "Sammy's throwing party and he really wants us to be there." Jack said. "Oh, well I won't be able to make it?" I said. "Why not?, come Jack don't do this." He said. "I'm hanging out with Shannon for the rest of the night and what do you mean "don't do this?""I said. "That's great invite her too, and chicken out is what I mean." He said. "I'm not chickening out it's just that we have other things in mind, plus I don't think she wants to go to a party anyway." I said. "It doesn't matter just whatever you guys had in mind wait until later or tomorrow." He said. "Jack I'm not going and that's finial." I said, then it was quiet for a minute and then Jack inhaled deeply and exhaled. "Alright fine I'll just say you was busy." He said. "Jack for you to blow off this party you better be getting laid." He said and with that he hung up.

"Jack." I heard Shannon say. I looked up to see her sitting in her desk chair looking right at me. "If you need to be somewhere else I understand, I won't hold it against you." She said. "Why would I want to go to some loud and obnoxious party when I can be here with you and have even more fun than I'll have there." I said. "Jack seriously you're going to blow off a party to be here and have a dull night with me? Cause all I was going to do is for us to wrap the gifts we got, order take out, string up the lights I got, and watch some movies, to where you could go to a party where's there's drinks, dancing, and some hype ass music." She said looking at her computer screen for a minute. "Hey princess have you ever been to a party before?" I asked. "No, but I have been invited to some tho." She answered. "Well party's are not all how they really seemed to because at party's you have drama, drunk people, vomit usually everywhere, alcohol everywhere, sweaty body's dancing around, drugs, girls dressed like fucking whores, guys always taking advantage of innocent drunk girls, and much more. In my opinion I really wouldn't call that fun but if I wanted to get out and get drunk then yeah I'll go to a party but I feel like being chill and lit." I said. "Plus it doesn't have to be a dull night." I said. "Now let's start off with the first thing you have in mind and cheer up cause I really want to be here." I said walking over to her. "But I feel like I'm forcing you to be here tho." She said pouting a little. "Princess, no one is forcing me to be here like I could leave whenever my desired little heart feels like it, now stop your pouting and have some fun." I said. Then Shannon let out a puff and clicked on her little mouse to the computer and started playing Kodak Black.


It's been an complete hour and all we have done is joked around, laughed our asses off, and decorated her room. Right now we're wrapping the presents she got for people and since I don't know how to wrap Shannon is teaching me how to, then my phone started ringing. "Jack you'll never learn if you don't pay attention, so don't answer that phone until you learned how to wrap a perfect present." She said. "Trust me I've been learning how to wrap since I saw my first condom." I said starting to laugh. "Nice to know that you know how to wrap that gift, but you need to learn how to wrap these gifts." She said. "You know what I'll learn how to your presents, when you learn how to wrap my present." I said jokingly. "Trust me I already know how to wrap one of those." She said giggling a little. "Well someone over here is a little freak." I said laughing. "You have no idea." She said with a smile. Then my phone ringed again. I looked at the caller ID to read Diana, so I just pressed decline and looked over at Shannon whose sitting right next to me wrapping a gift.

"God she looks so adorable." I thought.

Then my phone ringed again but this time it was Jack. "Hello?" I answered. "Hey how come your not answering any of my phone calls." Diana said over the phone. "Diana why do you have Jack's phone?" I asked a little annoyed. "Answer my question and I'll answer yours." She said. "Because I'm done with you that's why, now answer my question." I said. "Fineeee, Jack's drink got spiked and he passed out and Sammy is wayyy to drunk to help but this girl named Maddie is trying to help but she is a lowkey being bitch right now." She said. "Alright, shit I'll be right there tell the girl to stay with him and don't go nowhere until I get there, okay." I said. "Alright fine." She said and hung the phone up. "So what do you want to order? I have Chinese, dominos, Pizza Hut, five guys actually I have a lot of menus how about you just chose one." She said standing at her desk. "Hey, uh Shannon change of plans, I have go get Jack cause someone spiked his drink so I have to go see about him, but when I come back we can order takeout and continue with our night." I said about to walk out. "Okay, well let me know if he's okay!" She shouted as I was walking out. I didn't say anything else but exited the house and get into my car.

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