Chapter five: page forty-four/ forty-six

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I went back to school the next day with a lot on my mind and a lot of questions that needed to be answered. Jack couldn't show up today because he started getting real bad headaches so he went to the doctors today, so I'm going into school as a loner today. Once I parked my car I just sat there wondering how am I gonna get all my questions answered, and what I needed to be answered first, but I'll start off with the basic which is who spiked Jack's drink. I took my keys out of the ignition and got out my car and went to see the person who can answer all my question. I walked in and went straight to the second floor where the screening room is, which is where year-book committee, schools Newspaper editors, and the schools journal entry writers work at and especially my old friend Bruno. Bruno can dig up any information you need and tell you everything but it comes with a price. "Where's Bruno at?" I asked walking into the room. "He's not here." Said a bitchy ass girl. "Look I didn't come here for your damn attitude, I asked a question and I want it to be answered now." I said aggressively and only a few centimeters away from her face. Then she let in a shaky breath and bit her lip. "Like I said he's not here." She said once again. "Where's his office?" I asked still remaining only a few centimeters away from her face. Then she got up and lead me all the way towards the back to the left. "Thank you." I said once we were at Bruno's office door is. I walked in and took a look around and went to sit in his desk chair and prop my feet up on the desk waiting for Bruno.

Ten minutes later of me going through twitter he finally shows. "Hey, I didn't remember us setting up an appointment with you Mr. Johnson or should I say Mr. Diado." He said walking in and going over to his personal coffee station (Diabo means devil in Portuguese). "Cut the smart Alec shit and you know exactly what the hell I want." I said sitting up straight. "No need to use such foul language Mr. Diabo, now in order for me to give you what you want, you have to give me something that I want." He said walking and sitting in one of the chairs across from me. "Which is..." I said. Then a devilish smirk spreads across his face, and I knew right then and there I'm about to regret saying those two words. "I hear there's a special lady in your life and since your sister is deceased, which I'm terribly sorry for, I want that delicate little angel of yours Shannon." He said sipping some of his tea. "And if you let me have her each and everyone of your questions will be answered thoroughly." He added. Usually I wouldn't mind trading girls but her?... Shannon... Now that's asking for too much, but I want these answers so I'll do it.


"Here's the deal since I'm a smart guy, I'll let you have her but if she tells me or show in anyway or form that your hurting her or doing anything that's making her feel uncomfortable, then I swear...*deep chuckle* you'll be a dead man and I mean not speaking metaphorically but I'm being dead serious and you know damn well I'm capable of it." I said feeling my dark side come out. I could feel his fear radiating off of him like a scared little boy which made me have a devilish smile spread across my face enjoy. "Now do we have a deal?" I asked rocking back and forth in the chair.

"I would be a dummy if I said no, now I'm guessing your here to see who put Jack in the hospital and why right?" He said sitting up in his chair. "Yeah." I answered. "Well no one other than one of your close friend Sammy William, he did it because he's wants to take you and Jack's spot in the school so him and his friends would be the most feared and sex attracted towards girls, because of the "bad boy" reputation. Also why you guys were gone he decided to go and fill up on your friend...Shannon is it, so she might be acting a little weird for awhile." He said. "Now anything else Mr. Diabo?" "Yeah, what happened to Morgan?" I asked. Once I said that all of a sudden his face washed over with confusion. "What do you mean?" He asked. "She went ghost ever since my sisters funeral." I answered. "Well you have to believe me Jack I'm not sure where your friend went but I'll look into it." He said. "Yeah you do that." I said getting up and walking towards the door. "Excuse me, but could you please tell the young lady ten o'clock tomorrow." He said while I exited the room. I walked out the screening room and decided I could catch the last twenty minutes of first block.


Skipping till lunch

As I was walking to the cafeteria I spotted Sammy and his friends sitting outside in the court yard. I talked to Jack earlier and told him what Bruno told me and he said to let it go cause when he comes back to school he wants to do the honors and kill him, so I just shrugged it off and walked into the cafeteria. When I walked in I started looking for Shannon. "Hey Jack, I heard what happened to Gilinsky and I'm sorry to hear about that but me and the boys are looking for the asshole who did it." Sammy said coming up from behind me. You do not know how bad I want to throw one good punch to his jaw, but I took a deep breath and let it go and just wait for tomorrow. "Same I'm looking for the guy too and once I find him, he better pray that Jack does not kill him cause we all know how deadly he can get when he gets mad or betrayed." I said shaking my head in shame. "Well I'll see you around cause I have to go." I said, once I spotted Shannon.

"Shannon!" I called out while picking up my paste. Then she turned around to see who was calling her name, then she made eye contact with me. "Hey, so how is Jack?" She asked once I caught up. "He's good, and sorry for not picking up your calls or answering your texts but my phone died while I was at the hospital." I said. "It's cool." She said as she continued walking to her locker. "Can I ask you a question." I asked. "Shoot." She said squatting down at her locker. "What happened to Morgan?" I asked. "I don't know, last time I talked to her she said she's going down south with her mom." She said shrugging. "Do you know why?" I asked. "Nope, but I do know where ever she's at they do not have no internet connection." She answered. "Anything else?" She asked. "Yeah, when are you going to tell me about you and Sammy?" I asked.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2017 ⏰

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