Chapter three: page twenty-two/ twenty-three

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The funeral was peaceful and sad but mostly lonely. I just sat there listening to the priest and seeing people silently cry at the priest words making them probably think twice about life and their loved ones or if they think their friends or lovers are going through the same thing my sister was going through. Soon the priest was coming to an end. "Does anyone have any words to say?" He asked to the crowed of silent people. There was no responses just silent and an occasional sniffles. "Well before we go Sarina did ask one thing before she was sent to heaven is to have her brother Jack over here to play her favorite song that ties in the emotions she felt throughout life which was love, happiness, and sadness without further or due Jack will you please start." He said. I looked at the piece to have my sisters words to come back to when I first saw this piece four years ago.

"Jack think back to when I had cancer and was almost close to death and how you felt alone and your so called guardian angel came and helped you through it all. Think of all those mixed emotions, anger, and love and put it into this piece of music."

I took a deep breath and started to play just as swiftly as she did when she first showed me and this time I took her advice and put all these new feelings and emotions into it. Soon I felt a small presence next to me I looked out the corner of my eye to see a ghostly figure which was my sister next to me smiling. "I told you just by putting feelings and emotions and just being one with the piece it'll make it a thousand times better." Sarina's voice said. Soon I finished the piece to see a joyful smile on the priest and everyone else.

Once the funeral was over I just stood there looking at my sister's freshly new grave with Morgan and Jack standing right by my side. "Like she said to us Jack she escaped to become happy." Jack said and patted my shoulder and walked away. Morgan rubbed the small of my back and walked away too. I squatted down and placed my flowers on her grave. "I still don't understand the reasoning or anything but I get that you did it to become happy or free, but why leave around the people who did make you happy or try to, because we didn't deserve that better yet why did I deserve that?" I said to her gravestone while I still remained squatted in front of her grave.

I stayed there hoping I would get an answer but I knew I was out of luck so I got up stuffed my hands in my pants pockets and walked down the small hill to my car.

Pg. 23

When I got home I felt a little more depressed than I was before cause I had to except the fact that my sister was dead and gone. I went to my room and hopped in the shower and just stood there letting the warm water pour down on me. I soon finished showering and I got dressed and laid down just staring at the ceiling just thinking about nothing in particular just different stuff and scenarios to soon roll over on my side and fall asleep.

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