“Do other guys like her?”

          “A ton of guys,” Danny says, exaggerating. You could tell he’s a bit upset on that just by looking at him. I have to admit, he is a brilliant actor. Everyone here believes him, everyone but me.

          “Dose she like anyone?”

          Danny shakes his head. “Nope, or she would have told me. She tells me everything, and I mean everything. She trusts me with every single secrete she has and knows I will never tell.”

          “When did you start liking her?” Chris asks. This is when I see the crowd is leaning in. I just roll my eyes and turn away, but listen.

           Danny sighs. “It’s been a long time. Like, forever. Ever since I met her I guess.”

          “Well, enough of this. Time is running out, and I want to ask you a few more things before your buzzer rings.” Chris says.

          “Okay.” Danny says.

          “So, tell us about your family.”

          “Well, I have an older sister, who is fourteen. Her name is Lilac. I also have an older brother name Jared, who is sixteen, and my other brother Dan who is seventeen. And then I have my parents.” Danny says.

          “What’s impressed you most about the Capitol?”

           “That’s a tuff one. They’re many things. The food and people I guess.”

          Just then the buzzer rings. “Good luck tomorrow Danny, and may the odds be ever in your favor.” He then turns to the crowd and holds Danny’s hand up, “Danny Mercelly, District 12!”

          Danny smiles a bit and leaves once Chris releases his hand.

          “Good night Panem!” Chris calls out, and people start to leave.

          I get up from my seat; ignoring Danny’s gaze and walk over to an elevator. Both my hands are in the form of a fist, and I have to hold back the temptation to punch him as I up ride on the elevator with Danny. Once we get to the twelfth floor, Danny walks out the elevator, and I follow him. I can’t hold back anymore, and I slap him across the face without thinking.

          “Ow!” Danny shrikes as he puts his hand of his face. “What the hell? What was that for?”

          My eyes are crossed and my face is probably as red as my dress. “What do you think? I did that to you for saying all those damn things about me!” I yell at him. “You had no right! Especially for saying you wanted to make sure I win! I looked weak out there because of you! You can’t protect me! What kind of game are you playing?! I know you are faking this, and I won’t let you! You are making everything worse, not just for you, but for me!”

          “What? I’m not playing any kind of game. I meant what I said, I do love you.” Danny says looking shocked and scared, and unaware of how I feel. I don’t believe him, so I then shove him, this causing him to fall down backwards and bang his head on the corner of the desk, and I then smell blood. I don’t care and I kick him in the knee.

          “Yeah right, people use fake strategies of love during the games to get more sponsors and to get the crowd going!” I yell once again. I am furious, and since I already let my rage out, I can’t control it and hold it in anymore.

          “What’s going on here?” Joan says as she runs up to us. “Danny, are you okay? Did you fall?”

          Danny nods. “Yeah, after Katharine accidently bumped into me.”

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