Chapter 7

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          I wake up in the middle of the night due to knocking on my door. At first I ignore it, still wanting to sleep. But the knocking continues so I give up.

          I get up and slowly and walk to the door, and slowly open it just a crack. “Hello?” I whisper, barley awake and still very tired.

          The door is suddenly pushed open and it bangs me on the nose.

          “Ow!” I yell, putting my hand over my nose as I feel it throb.

          “I am so sorry Katharine!” The sound of Danny’s voice came from the other side of the door.

          “What’s wrong?” I ask while my hand is on my nose. My eyes tightly shut because of the pain, and my nose won’t stop throbbing.

          “I couldn’t sleep. And it’s freezing cold in my room.” He says. “Plus, I wanted to see you.” He says mumbling the last part so I can barely hear him.

          “And, what am I supposed to do about that?” I say with my hand still on my nose. I open my eyes, and I don’t see Danny.

          “Here,” he says coming from the other direction.

          I turn around and he moves my hand, and puts a towel wrapped around ice on my nose. It actually helps with the pain, and brings the throbbing down.

          “I’m really sorry about that.” Danny says as he walks me to my bed and sits down. I sit down next to him.

          “So, why are you here?” I ask from behind the wrapped ice.

          “Well…” He begins, but takes a while to continue. “It’s because I’m worried. I’m worried about the Games, and how it’s going to affect are friendship.”

          I look at him. “Look,” I begin, but I don’t continue because Danny shushes me and presses his index finger against my lips. Great, doesn’t want me to talk now does he.

          I then think my eyes are playing tricks on me, because I could make out his shape leaning in towards me and his lips barley touching, but I’m not so sure because he stops before he gets too close. Instead, he puts his arms around my shoulders giving me a hug. I then rest my head on his shoulder and remove the ice from my face. For the next hour or so, we sit there in silence, a very awkward scilence.

          I break the silence saying, “So, I should be getting some sleep, and so should you Danny.” I then escape his grip, put down the ice on the table and climb under my covers.

          “Okay.” Danny says. He puts his hand on his head like he usually does when he has a head ach or when something’s bothering him. He leaves my room, and closes the door behind him. I close my eyes, and go to sleep again.


          The next time I wake up, dawn is breaking. I get up and put on a yellow shirt and white pants. I also put my hair in a braid. By the time I’m done, Mollie is calling me for breakfast. I leave my room and head to the Dining room. I see Danny already there, stuffing his self up with food. I sit down next to him, and fill up my plate with food.

          When I’m done eating, I get up and wait by the elevator. I look at the clock and it’s almost five minutes to ten.

          Today is our last day of training. Tomorrow we’ll have our test with the Gamemakers. I hope I get a decent score, like 8 or 9. But I do hope a miracle happens and I get a really high score like an 11 or 12, which probably won’t happen. I really doubt it will. I sigh putting my hands in my pocket and lean against the wall.

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