“Hello Panem!” Chris calls out. “Welcome to the 195th annual Hunger Game interviews! As usual, he starts telling some lame jokes that the Capitol people find funny. After a few jokes, he moves on with the show. “Now, let’s have the first girl come up. As we all know, the girl from District 1, Shaylee Stunder!” He calls out.

          Each interview takes about five minutes. A tall girl with streaking black hair, who must be Shaylee, walks up on stage. Her eyes are green and she’s skinny, but muscular. She’s obviously going for the sexy angle. Chris asks her the basic questions. One by one the tributes go up. He apparently asks most of us if there is someone special in our life back home, as in someone we like of a girlfriend of boyfriend, most say no and not really. One or two say yes. I grow tired and tend to fall asleep, but I struggle to keep my eyes open. I then snap back into reality and pay attention when they call Peter’s name. He walks up on stage, his shaggy blond hair combed, and his hazel eyes standing out with his blue outfit. He answers all his questions confidently, with his eyes squinting at times, and a big smile across his face. I then focus for the rest of the tributes, in a way where I look asleep and zoned out. When the girl from District 11, Lily, walks up, she’s in a green and yellow dress, her blond hair up in a ponytail. She doesn’t look twelve anymore by her appearance, but her height says she is, well her she is small and she looks like a ten year old with that height, but still.

          “Hello!” Chris says to her and shakes her hand as she walks up and sits down.

          “Hi.” Lily replies. She smiles, and her light pink lips shine brightly.

          “So you got an eight for your training score, pretty impressive. How’d you do it?” He asks.

          Lily looks at him. “Telling you would give away my strategy. But let me tell you this, I could easily hide and no one will expect me coming.”

          “I bet they won’t. By the telling of your size, it’s pretty impressive what you were able to do.” Chris says

          “Yes, but not as impressive from the girl from District 12,” Lily says. “But, I still did great. And I’m determined to win.”

          “I bet you are.” Chris says. “Anyway, tell us a little about your family.”

          “Well, I’m an only child, and I live with my mother and my three cousins in a small house by the farms.” Lily says.

          Chris nods. “Now, I bet you are pretty nervous about tomorrow.”

          “Oh, I am. I have to admit that I’m extremely nervous and have little hope of winning. But then again, anything is possible.” Lily says and sighs.

          Just then Lily’s buzzer rings. “Ah, it’s time for you to go. Good luck out there tomorrow! Everybody, let’s give a round of applause to Lily Peronce, District 11!” the crowd booms in cheering and applying.

          “Thank you.” Lily says as she walks off the stage.

           The next boy from her District comes up. Morce is his name. He’s tall and muscular and his skin is tan. He has brown hair and is wearing a dark green shirt with black pants. Once he’s done, I’m called up.

          You can do this. I think to myself. As I walk up of stage, a loud rumble of clapping bursts out. I smile and sit on the chair next to Chris. I’m so nervous, I can barely hear him announce my name and introduce me to everyone.

          “Hello Katharine!” He says with that joyful tone in his voice.

          “Hello!” I shout back smiling, pretending to act all cute and happy, or at least pleasant.

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