Chapter 24

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Dedicated to H

*Sophia Pov*
I looked at the shimmering rock on my hand. It was perfect. I had dreamed about the day 'The one' would propose. I can't but let a smile etch onto my face. I could remember the day he proposed and how I reacted. Fear had stricken his face and he had a heartbroken face that had lead me to tell him my real answer.
I looked him dead in the eye making sure to not show any feelings and pulled my lips into a lipped frown and answered "No sorry Ace I don't think I'm ready for marriage" His face had fell right then and their and I felt bad, he started shuffling to his feet and I jumped into his arms wrapping my arms around his neck "Of course I would marry you Idiot" I say and a grin takes over his face
*End of flashback*

*Flashback*I looked him dead in the eye making sure to not show any feelings and pulled my lips into a lipped frown and answered "No sorry Ace I don't think I'm ready for marriage" His face had fell right then and their and I felt bad, he started ...

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It had been one of the best days I should say even though he did it at a very unexpected moment. Right now I was organising his lunch because he was doing alpha work. Lately he had been very possessive and protective and had insisted I stay home. It frustrated me to no end but I had followed what he had said just to keep him calm.

I was planning to surprise him at the pack house where he was right now. I first started to arrange the food. He was telling me how lately he was feeling like sushi so I decided to make it and design it my self and cover it. I first started off with grilling the salmon. While the salmon was grilling I started to make the seaweed and rise so I can roll it up. I made sure to cut cucumbers. After I finished that I started to make the sushi wraps making them look like the shops I put some rice on the seaweed and then put cut up cucumber in the middle. I rolled it up and checked on the salmon to find it just done. I cut it up and did the same thing I did to the cucumbers but for the salmon. I then got a cute assorted tray and separated them making it look presentable.

 I then got a cute assorted tray and separated them making it look presentable

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I made my way to the pack house walking knowing its only a few minutes away. As soon as I entered the pack house everyone that I came across would bow down and mumble Luna. I smiled at each person reminding me to call me Sophia instead of Luna but most said it's respect to call me Luna. Before I made my way up to the office Brenda the packs cook had called me to help her with something.

Since it was still way too early for Aces lunch I decided to leave then in the fridge,four women gathered in the kitchen all deciding that we were gonna make some desserts for our mates to snack on. We started off with our choc chip cookies. We made about 50 cookies and I started on my mates favourite dessert which were crepes. I stiffened as I felt rough hands on my waist then relaxing when I smelt my mates scent.

He kisses my cheeks, red adorning my cheeks. I look up at him already finding him looking at me with love in his eyes. I pecked his cheek as I finished flipping the crepe dough. He whispered in my ear "When you're done come up to the office love" I nodded my head in agreement. Of course before he left knowing I was shivering from the cold gave me his jacket. I looked at what he had on it and shook my head pretending to glare at him. He had given me the matching top of his jumper. His jumper had sprawled against it "Aye she's Mine" and the one I didn't know he had on him said "Aye he's Mine" I put on the top loving that they matched. The jumpers were both black with grey writing saying 'Aye' and both jumpers had the word 'Mine' in white. The only difference was that's his 'She's' was green and my 'His' was in red.

 The only difference was that's his 'She's' was green and my 'His' was in red

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When I had put it on he made sure I did a spin for him and smirked. I rolled my eyes mockingly and started finishing the crepes. He kisses my cheek and made his way back the his office while I started finishing everything off ready to feed him.

Feeling nauseous I make my way to the bathroom emptying the contents of my food in the toilet. I wash my hands and brush my teeth with a my backup toothbrush. Once I finish I exit the bathroom and make my way back to the kitchen. I grabbed the sushi out of the fridge and settled it beside the dessert. I filled 2 glasses of orange juice and found a tray to set everything on. I started making my way upstairs making sure to ask Brenda if she needed anymore help before I went to Ace.

I reached the last step making sure my tray was as perfect as I had made it before I got to the steps. I started making my way towards Ace's office. Before I got their I thought about the surprise I was about to tell him knowing full well he's going to love it. We had talked about this many times and he had always told me he wished for it to be soon. I smiled at the thought of his surprise. All of a sudden I felt very giddy but nervous at the same time. Before I entered I took a deep breath in and out counting to a hundred. The nervousness kicked in more then the giddy and then I thought of how I was going to tell him. I took in a last breath not watching out for the other scent coming from where my mate was.

I put my hand on the handle and pushed forward the door not expecting to see what was on the other side. Their stood a leech of a woman clinging to MY man. I looked confusedly between both shock and anger evident on my face. I then looked at Ace and asked "Who is she?"

Thanks for reading please vote or comment btw this is my first book please don't judge. I hope you enjoy it.
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Who is she!?


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