Chapter 3

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*Sophia Pov*
Since its Friday its rerun night for me and tonight it will be rerun of the bachelorette. The scene that played in the office kept replaying in my mind. How can someone be so arrogant and snobby..I hate him its official the first person I have ever hated. Lord didn't he know how to be nice not be so selfish as I was thinking, I heard the door getting unlock probably Emma coming from a club. Please let her not be drunk cause tonight I'm not up for cleaning vomit. As she walks in I turn my head towards the door to see if shes wasted but what came in is what I never saw coming. One word. Ace. God this is the third time we meet today.
"Not you again" I mutter
"Honey I'm home" he jokes while I give him a glare. I stand up anyways how did you get in here?"
"His eyes wonder my body before I realise what I'm wearing is too revealing. I had a long blue mens shirt on that came up to mid thigh. Yes I bought it cause they are so comfy! I quickly shot up from where I'm standing and put on a long robe and walked back out. My cheeks burning crimson red cause no one has ever seen me in that top.
He raises his eyebrows and says "Its nothing I haven't seen before babe" and my heart literally leaps from its spot when he says that. What the hell did I just say that? He's a jerk nothing he hasn't seen before. If only I met those girls not one of then would be near him or show him anything why the hell am I acting jealous?

I then look down at his arms and realise Emma is still sound asleep not a sound coming from her. I rush towards him and ask "Is anything wrong with her!? Is she hurt? Did you hurt her? Omg you did didn't you! Im going to chop your balls off and hang them on your-"
Ace is on the floor laughing like a hyena god knows why. "Darling no offence but your way too innocent to do what you said " and I turn around and glare at him which makes him laugh harder. Thats when i realise Emma isn't in his arms anymore and her bedroom light is on. I huff and stalk off to help Emma into her room.
On my way to her room I get her Advil and water to help with the hangover and get a rubbish with me. Once shes in bed and tucked in, I leave her room. I walk in on Ace sitting down eating MY PIZZA that I ordered. I sneak from behind him and scream in his ear which makes him scream like a little girl jumping off the couch and thats when I breakdown on the floor laughing so hard I couldn't breath. His face turns red which causes me to laugh even harder while he glares at me trying to see if I can disappear. I dry the tears and stand up.

I pull my hand out and say "I think we should start again hi my name is Sophia ,what is your name?"
He looks at my hand for a while when I'm about to pull it back his rough calloused hands shake mine and it scares me how they engulf my hand like a perfect fit but what scares me most is the electricity that shoots up my hand as soon as we touched which caused me to jump back. He to looks back and forth between our hands and says "Hi my name is Ace and I own Adrian neurosurgeon" he smirks. God I love that smirk but I hate it.

I walk towards the sofa and plop my self down expecting him to leave but he comes and sits beside me but I didn't real care at the moment cause my favourite bachelorette episode was on. I start munching on my pizza when I feel a heated stare, I look towards him and say "Is there anything on my face?" He shakes his head no and smiles a knowing smile which scares me.

"You know I think you should go home your creeping me out with that smile of your." I look towards him knowing his probably going to comeback with a flirty comeback "Babe you love my smile, admit it."

"I love my boyfriends smile not yours" I smirk cause I know I don't got a boyfriend but to let him think I do. His lips thin out "You have a boyfriend?" I nod which makes him clench his fist as they turn white. He gets up and leaves which makes me think what did I do wrong?..

Saturday morning
I grumble under my breath as I hear knocking on the door, Emma went early she cant be back this early. I made my way out of bed and opened the door. There Ace stood in all his morning glory while I looked like I got ran over by a truck a couple times. I looked him and down looking at his outfit which was him in a navy blue suit with a matching tie with white polka dots. I looked back at him to realise he is doing exactly same thing I did to him except he didn't catch me so I obviously had to say a sarcastic comment "Take a picture it last longer" I smirk. My smirk fell as soon as he actually took his phone out and actually took a picture smirking smugly. I try snatching the phone off him which was hard with my height so I kicked him in his b***s, which he yelped at and I took off running with his phone. Once I turned on his Phone I realised he had a passcode and I knew definitely that I cant delete it. I unlock the door and look as he leans on my door knob smiling smugly like always. "Did I tell you that I hate you Ace?"
"Love you too babe love you too" and would you believe that made my heart 2x faster then yesterday?

Thanks for reading please vote or comment btw this is my first book please don't judge. I hope you enjoy it.


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