Chapter 8

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*Ace Pov*
I close the door as her gaze falls onto me. I had planned this all out with Chris. I looked at her clueless face. She looked straight at me "I have some where to be,let me out Mr Adrian" I looked at her sharply "Where do you have to be,thats more important then your boss."

She takes a while to answer "I have a life out of work you know" she mumbles inaudibly. She clears her throat,what she says next was not what I was expecting "Your not the only person that has kids and a family." I move closer to her and put my finger under her chin and tug upwards. She looks at me and I murmur "You have kids and a family Sophia?" She over looks me and looks at the great view.

I think to myself, I could of sworn on her background check she was single. I look back over at her to see her staring at me. I look at her and smile knowing that she was lying. I take out my phone checking on the little bugger. She was my princess at the moment cause she was just that precious. I gaze at the photo I had taken of her, while her mother was organising her clothes and things. She had just had a shower and I put on a light pink beanie with little baby muffs. I had the photo as my home screen of course.

She had me wrapped around her little pinky and she didn't even know

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She had me wrapped around her little pinky and she didn't even know.  Her name was Olivia and the best but was she had my last name. I'll be honest I wanted my first child to be named with my last name but then I thought about it and said why not because that little pretty princesses should have a name and a last name. I had so much photos of her it was indescribable.

I looked over at Sophia to see her staring down at her phone. Hm I think of what she is looking at. I go from behind her quietly and see her staring at a baby boy. Red is all I see. She has a son! I should of checked that I didn't even think of checking if she had kids just if she was single. I'm so stupid! I look around and kick the floor. She has a kid and I never knew. I feel eyes on me so I turn around to see her looking right at me "May I go now sir?" And I grit my teeth "No!"

She looks at me with an eyebrow raised. I look at her challengingly daring her to say it again silently. She turns around and walks around. I find her smiling to her self , I look at what shes smiling about and its a guy! I grit my teeth again. He doesn't have nice hair and his clothes don't look good and I think I see a stain on his shoes and its clear he doesn't work out as much as I do. He notices her stare and looks upwards at her and smirks. I grumble under my breath "I'm way better then that guy" she turns around blushing a crimson red and walks towards the door.

"Mr Adrian unlock the door please I have to go somewhere" she looks upset about something and checks her time for the 3rd time now. Her phone rings and she answers. I try to hear what shes talking about.
Sophia- I don't think I can make it but please can you keep him up a little longer?"
She closes her eyes as if she is the most upset person in the whole world.
Sophia- "Please I'll try making it in time for him I got to talk to him its important. I know he's little but I haven't seen him in a while and I miss him so much."

I grit my teeth and think to myself who the hell is that lucky beast that gets to meet MY Sophia. Wait wait your Sophia? I look at her once again to see her looking at the phone like its the most beautiful thing at that moment.
I look at her and say "Sophia" her response is a grumble under her breath. "Its all your fault Ace" she murmured. "All your fault" she looks at me and if looks could kill I wouldn't be 6 ft underground but instead 10ft. "Today was the last day I could see him for another few weeks and you took that away from me, at the moment the only feeling I'm feeling towards you is hatred and nothing more and nothing less." I looked confusingly at her "What are you on about..?" She murmured so low I couldn't comprehend it. She suddenly leaped up and tried unlocking the door.

It had been about 10 minutes of her trying to unlock and 10 minutes of me trying to think why the hell she wants to go. I look at her to see tears. I get up and slowly approach her. Her phone rings and she picks up. "How could you do that Chris after I told you in the morning that this was so important, please don't call or text me you disappointed me for real this time and when I get home don't try approaching me" and then she hangs up on him. It makes me feel bad cause he was just trying to help and I put him into deep sh*t. She turns to me and the next words make my world come crushing down "If I don't make it I swear Ace I will never forgive you, weather you care or not I swear you won't be forgiven by me.

She looked up at her screen and her smile faltered as if her world had just come crashing down. I dangle the keys in front of me and she looks up and tries grabbing them, "First tell me where tour going that its so important" she grabs the keys somehow and unlocks the door and pauses in the middle of the door and says "I got to go see if the love of my life will make it."

Thanks for reading please vote or comment btw this is my first book please don't judge. I hope you enjoy it.
Love of her life?


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