Chapter 4

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*Ace Pov*
*At night*
"I love my boyfriends smile not yours" she smirks. My lips thin out in a straight line as I know another guy has hugged , kissed maybe even made out with her. Why the hell was I jealous for? I snort at the fact that I got jealous over someone I don't even want to date. She only has a amazing body that any guy would want which of course I wouldn't let them touch her in any type of way. I only want her for one night thats the reason I care about her so much.

I call up Alexander and tell him we got to talk which he says alright and he finished the problem with the medicine. He told me that he will arrive tonight which means Ill stay up for him so we can have a guy talk cause were in need of one because of these stupid things I'm feeling which isn't any romantic feeling just one that means I need to bed her.

I hear the purr of the engine as it stops in front if my porch. I open the door and tell him to get inside asap which he does. He gives me a confused face.
"Wait Ace why you acting so weird bro?" I frown not knowing how to tell him this.
"Is it normal for me to be protective of someone I don't even know?" He rolls his eyes and says "It depends on who this person is weather family or maybe a ..girl wait hold up a girl shit thats it shes going to have you whipped an-" I wack his head and he shuts up " No you idiot shes different shes not a wh*** I think I just want to bed her nothing more nothing less" His mouth forms into a 'o' shape. "So were betting on a girl hectic bro!" I puff my cheeks "HELL NO ,were  not betting on my girl" he starts laughing and I glare at him"What are you laughing about?" "Your girl bro your whipped!" You know what I meant!" I mumble inaudibly.

"So is she hot?" He exclaims and I breath through my nose and out with my mouth "Shes off limits mate" and he laughs again which makes me punch him in his stomach. "Whats her name?" "Sophia" I say.

"So the plan is to try and woo her then breaking her heart practically?" Alexander asks and I look up at him when he says that with a smirk on his fave, I look at him and say "If only you have this girl" he hums "Then show me her" I take out the phone and remember the scene that happened in her house, she was to busy helping put her friend to bed to realise me taking photos of her. I sound like a stalker but I'm not just memories, I went through  photos and find her picture. I look at her then show him the picture, he faces me and says the words I never wanted to hear in my life "Why don't we make a deal? You try wooing her for a whole year and if it doesn't work I get to try woo her" I lunged at him, and held him against the wall "You go near her and you wont be alive tomorrow, got it" I sneer angrily. He shakes his head yes and puts up his hand in a backing up manner "I was just joking ,shes all yours" and then i notice the playful glimmer in his eye.

He coughs and says "whipped" which I turn to glare at him.

The next morning I woke up and showered and dressed in my navy blue suit that I know will make all the girls jump at me. It fitted my torso perfectly and the shirt under sculpted around my abs, not to brag or anything. Picture below..

I jump into my black Porsche  and drive towards her house

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I jump into my black Porsche  and drive towards her house. I park my car and stride towards the elevator, fixing my self in the mirror. I press the level of her house.

Once I arrive on her door, I start knocking expecting her or her room mate to open the door. I kept knocking until I heard soft feet padding across the apartment knowing it her, I stood up straight. Once the door was opened my mouth hit the floor literally. She was in last nights clothes except no robe. I looked her up and down several times. Her tan legs were so flawless i hadn't seen a girls legs that hot. My thoughts were interrupted once she opened her smart mouth. "Take a picture it lasts longer she tells me" and me being me that is exactly what I do and her face turns into panic and thats when she starts reaching for the phone and I still don't give it to her until she kicks me in the freak*** ba**s and thats when I let my phone go and I think to myself please lord let me never make that women angry again cause I know if she kicks like that again I would be a dead man. I stand up and yelp from the pain in the low region and walk to her bedroom and lean against the door frame waiting till she realises the phones locked.

The door unlocks and before she opens the door I smile smugly. And she says "Did I tell you I hate you Ace?" I answer her "Love you too babe love you too" I grin and make my self comfortable on her couch until I hear the doorbell ring while she goes and opens it I hear her yelp which makes me run to the door, and thats when my heart breaks... wait my heart breaks? I look at the sight before me of Sophia and a male hugging. And what breaks my heart more you ask? This " I missed you Chris!" "Missed you to Sophs" 

Thanks for reading please vote or comment btw this is my first book please don't judge. I hope you enjoy it.
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