Chapter 27

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Dedicated to Heathen03 ,Fxb2802  and to all people that comment but don't follow, sorry guys you got to follow so I mention your names!

*Ace Pov*
"I'm here to take my daughter back home with me where she belongs" He says. I look him daringly in the eyes "No" I answer.
He attacked me from where he stood. I lunged at him before he made it to me. Anger coursing through my veins, I tackled him to the floor. I know I shouldn't be tackling my future father in law but then I thought my mate doesn't know that's her father maybe I should just beat him. Then I I thought of the face she would make. I dropped him onto the floor and threw a punch into his cheek, him fighting back by kneeing me in the private area. The door is suddenly opened and I murmur to my mate "I'm sorry"

She looks at me confusedly and I stand up nervously helping the old man up with me. His eyes that look so much like my Sophia's eyes look at Sophia and back at me. She looks between the both of us and tenses. She was assessing him from top to bottom. I knew that she knew that was her father and she knew that I knew that she was the daughter to the man standing in front of her. She looked at him disgustingly. She shook her head. Her next words brought my head up "What brings a dog like you here?"

 Her next words brought my head up "What brings a dog like you here?"

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He smiles her way. "Actually I was here to take my daughter home where she belongs." He says which she looks him in the eye "Which daughter" She says while raising her perfectly shaped eyebrow. I grin at her words, beaming with a certain proudness. She wasn't leaving me, well not willingly anyway. I wrap my hands around my mates now chubby waist from the baby fat. I love that she was so small but was getting larger and larger but of course I wouldn't tell her that because last time that happened ended up sleeping in the office chair. I wasn't even allowed the couch!

Back on topic she looked him once again and turned to leave but before opening the doors she said loud enough with an authoritative voice "Leave and never come back because what ever you have left of a daughter she doesn't know you and just pretend you have no daughter." She paused and continued "I do not have any wish to see you near my mate or pack" She said once again. Her hand reached the doorknob "Oh and please don't think you can pass this territory I know my mate did it out of respect but next time I'll be the one ordering to kill" and with that she was out the door going god knows where.

I puffed out a breath 'Ouch' I said in my mind

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I puffed out a breath 'Ouch' I said in my mind. I would feel like total and utter Sh*t if my child ever said that to me. I sorta feel sorry for the guy. He lost his daughter all over again except this time he didn't choose it, his daughter did. I looked up at him, he smiles softly "I'm sorry for the mishap" I nod my head. I grab him into a man hug, and pat his back. I then grab a bandaid from the draw and give it to him. "I'm sorry about what I did before I was merely just protecting my mate and future child" I say and he nods in understanding.

 "I'm sorry about what I did before I was merely just protecting my mate and future child" I say and he nods in understanding

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I saved him goodbye as he went back to his territory. He was a nice man until he said those words. I kinda had a soft spot for him. Maybe because he was an elder but then I also felt bad for my mate, even though she lived a good life with Hannah and her family she still needed that parent there to guide her and teach her. I think of our unborn child, he will obviously have that from both his mother and I. Sophia was growing fast especially because of our unborn child. She will be giving birth in four months time because both his parents come from an alpha gene and that is how we found out that they are going to be daddy's child cause obviously the child's gonna be more attached to me then his mum pfft, its going to be growing twice as fast then a normal pregnancy. I loved the fact the our child will be with us sooner.

I concentrated at the task at hand, which was to find my mate and stop daydreaming about something that would have to wait for four months

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I concentrated at the task at hand, which was to find my mate and stop daydreaming about something that would have to wait for four months. I climbed the stairs and made my way to our room first and was met with an empty room. I looked into our ensuite. I was met with silence. I scrunch my eyebrows in confusion. Once again my concentration was cut by the mind link "Alpha,Rouges"

I rush down out the door bolting through the stairs and landing in my feet four steps before. I look around and sniff and the strong aroma hit my senses. It was disgusting the strong disgusting aroma hit me like a ton of bricks. I shred my clothes and transformed into my wolf. I attacked someone that was near my beta. I sunk my teeth deep into his neck, metallic taste coming onto my tongue. His body fell limp against my body and I started attacking the rest not paying attention to what was happening on the other side of the pack house.

I had to find Sophia

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I had to find Sophia. She was nowhere in my sight, I was so into finding Sophia I didn't realise a young wolf was about to attack me. I watched him and I
once again sink my claws deep into a younger wolf but he fought back. He wasn't as easy as most, but I already knew that I could get rid of him. I lunged at him and sunk my claws and teeth into his chest loving the feel of his body going limp. I felt a small child poke me, I looked down adoringly and raised the child into my arms. I walked past the limp bodies shielding away the child's eyes away from all those dead bodies. I then started making my way towards the safe area for woman but before I make it there a pack member comes running towards me "Alpha someone has taken our Luna"

Thanks for reading please vote or comment btw this is my first book please don't judge. I hope you enjoy it.
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Who took her?!?


Only His (COMPLETED)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora