Be My Girl?

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This story is coming to an end, only two more updates after this one! Please, don't forget to tell people about this story.. it would mean soo much to me to have this book get 10,000 reads! So far, it has 6,767 and I really need your help!

Shoutout goes to @Katie1201 for voting. Thank you all, much love.


Nialls POV

"What now?" Jaycee asks me, on Friday, four days after her confrontation.

"I'm not sure," I shurg.

Jaycee opened her mouth to speak, but instead pursed her lips into a thin line. I could tell she was upset, either that or her brain was hard at work, thinking about something. "And that's all?" She asks after a moment of silence.

"What else do you want me to say?"


"Come 'ere", I say, grabbing her hands, and lacing our fingers together. "do you remember the day of the party, when you kept saying thank you, so I told you I would hug you to death?" She nods. "Well, i'm going to do it again, if you don't cheer up."

A faint smile appears on her face, and I wrap my arms around her neck, bringing her into my chest. After a moment, I kiss her hair. "I love you." 

"I know you do," she mumbles into my t-shirt, "and I love you too. I just wish things would change.. now that I know who you are."

"They will babe, I promise."


"How's this for a first date?"

"Laser tag?"

"Hell yeah!" I exclaim, "I want this to be something you will always remember. It should go down in history."

"That it will." She smiles, "I've never played before, so you might have to teach me a few things."

"No problem." I shrug, getting us guns and vests. "Tonight they're doing a capture the flag game. Do you what that is?"

"Uh, no, not really."

I let out a small laugh, "Capture the flag is when the team captures the opposing teams flag, to win the game. But, it has to be on their territory. Make sense?"

"Perfect." She giggles, putting on her vest. "This doesn't hurt.. does it?"

"Oh Jay," I smile, wrapping my arm around her, "you have so much to learn."


"Well, this is goodnight I suppose." I say as I walk Jaycee to her door.

"Thank you for brining me out tonight," she smiles, "I had a really fun time."

"So I did I."

"I'm glad we finally got to go on our first date."

"Me too." I smile, to her.

She yawns, "I should be getting inside now, goodnight Niall."

"Goodnight Jaycee." I say, pulling her into a hug. "I would give you a kiss, but you don't seem like the girl to kiss on the first date."

"Well, I think I could break the rules, just for you." She smirks, pulling away from the hug and leaning in to my kiss. "Goodnight, again."

I back away from her, although I don't want too, and walk down her front steps. But, just before she walks into the front door, I call out her name. "Jaycee!"

She turns to me, standing in the doorframe, "Yeah?"

I jog back up to her, "Will you be my girlfriend?"

"It's about time you asked." She smirks, just before I give her another goodnight kiss.


It's short, sorry! But the next chapter will be the last one, so i'm just trying to finish it up. Night guys!

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