The Way He Looks At Her

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Shout out for this chapter goes out to @meegs20! Thanks for the comments love :)

Hope this chapter is worth the wait! Xoxo.

Ps, i'm trying something new! Have fun with Liz's point of view!


Elizabeth's POV.

I see it. No matter how many times I act like I don't, or how many times I convince myself that he doesn't like her, it never works. I know how at lunch, he'll look past my gaze, and his eyes will wander to her. I see how in the halls, he's constantly looking around for her, and how whenever they talk, his cheeks grow red. I know about them almost kissing at the party. I know about him walking her home. I know about him holding her as she cried.

I know how he apologizes to her all the time, and I realize that he sometimes leaves me to talk her. For example, Friday night.

She must've said something to him, because all during the date, he was distracted. He might've been oblivious to the fact of why, but I knew. Sometimes, I think whenever were together, he has a mental debate on who he would rather be with, me or Jaycee.

I also know, he always picks Jaycee.

"Liz," Megan says, snapping her fingers in front of my face. "I was asking you a question."

"Oh, sorry. I was zoning out."

"Duh," She chuckles, "I was asking what color you're getting your toenails painted."

"Oh, right." I say, looking down at my feet in the hot water. "I think.. blue."

"That sounds cute, I was thinking orange." She says, "It was a good idea to get pedicures, ya think?"

"Yep," I say blandly, "Definitely."

"So, how was your date with Niall?"


"Oooh," She wiggles her eyebrows, which causes me to chuckle, "details."

"We went to Jerry's, and had pizza." I nod simply, "We talked about basic stuff. Like, football, senior year, childhood memories, prom.."

"Prom?!" She gapes, "Did he ask you?"

"No." I nod, a small frown working into my facial features. "He probably won't."

"Awe, why?"

"Because, I think he likes someone else."

"Oh," She frowns, "Who?"

"I'm not sure," I lie, sparing Niall and Jaycee the embarrassment, "Just a feeling, ya know?"

She nods, "I heard Quinton was going to ask Kayla out!"

"They'd be cute," I smile, "not cuter than you and Aaron though."

She blushes, "I hope you and Niall work out, it would be cool since Kayla, you and I are best friends, and so are Aaron, Quinton and Niall."

I nod, and quickly let the conversation fade off, deeply concentrating on my toenails being painted a pretty ocean blue.


To: Niall.

Hey Niall.. we need to talk. Text me after practice?

I sigh aloud, and hit the send button on my cell phone, slumping down onto my bed.

From: Niall.

Practice was canceled. What do we have to talk about?

I quickly type back a response,

To: Niall.

Meet me at the park in 15 minutes?

He sends back a text saying he'd be there, and I quickly change into jeans, a tee shirt and hoodie. C'mon Liz, look on the bright side, now his choice will be easier.

I'm about to kinda-sorta break up with Niall James Horan, even though my head and my heart are telling me not too.





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