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HEY GUYS ITS ME... in case you forgot.. lol. Sorry I haven't updated in like 10 billion years, but.. the day has finally come!

This chapters shoutout goes to @edna_salinas for sending me a very cute message!

I hope you enjoy this loooong awaited chapter! I love you all :)


Niall's POV

Jaycee and I had agreed to meet underneath the gazebo at exactly nine o’clock. However, Jaycee had agreed to meet with “Yours Truly”, and has no absolute idea that she is actually meeting Niall James Horan for the hundredth time. It was currently 8:59 and my heart was beating at a un-normal pace and my stomach was doing somersaults, I can only imagine how I will feel while I tell Jaycee her knight in shining armor is really, just well, me.

After a minute of standing there, I had grown out of patience, although I had only been underneath the gazebo for five minutes, it had felt like a lifetime. I glance down at my watch and realize the time was 9:01 and had concluded that she wasn’t coming. Just as I was about to give up and walk away, back into the party, I heard a voice from behind me.

“It’s kind of ironic this year’s prom theme was a masquerade. Are you sure you didn’t plan this?”

I turned around and there she was, “Jaycee.” I say in a quiet whisper.

“See, still not fair. Even though I’m forced to hide behind this mask, you still know my name. And I, I don’t know yours.”

I chuckle, “Well that’s hopefully soon going to change.” As I finished my sentence, A Moment Like This by Kelly Clarkson began playing through the outside speakers. “Care to dance?”

“I’d love too.” She smiles, as I bring her close to me.

“You look beautiful tonight.” I say to her as we begin to dance.

“Thanks.” She says, “You look handsome yourself.”

“Why thank you.” I smile before a moment of comfortable silence comes to us.

“I’ve waited so long for this,” Jaycee whispered, and i’m not sure if I was supposed to hear it or not.

“For what, love?”

“For this. To touch you, to hear your voice…” She trails off, “I don’t know how to describe it. I’ve just waited, for so long.” I didn’t have any words to say, so I just left a small, gentle kiss on her forehead.

“Jaycee, I have to tell you something.” I say as the song comes to an end. “I’ve been waiting for a long time too, I want you to know how I am. I’ve just been scared. Scared of how you’d react. If you’d accept me or not, so I’ve just been hiding. And it’s an awful thing to do. And Jay, I don’t wanna hide anymore.”

“You don’t have too.” She whispered, cupping my face in her hands, “I don’t want you too.”

I took a leap of faith and used my finger to tilt up her chin so her lips were closer to mine. I wanted to kiss her, so bad. I have wanted to kiss her since the first time I wrote her and I especially wanted it right now. She closed her eyes and I did too, but right before our lips connected some stumbled onto the gazebo.

I quickly backed away from Jaycee and looked to my left, where a drunk Aaron stood. “Woah guys, didn’t mean to interrupt.” He laughed, leaning onto the gazebo. “You can continue, I don’t mind.”

“What, I think I know who you are.” Aaron continued, pointing at me. I looked back at Jaycee who had panic in her eyes and my heart was back to racing and my stomach was back to flipping. I didn’t know what to do, so I ran. I left Jaycee and I left my best friend. I just ran to the parking lot and I kept running till I got to my car. There I realized I dropped my keys, but I knew I couldn’t go back. I debated on wether or not to call my dad, but I was scared if I waited Jaycee would come running after me and I knew I couldn’t face her right now. So I did the only thing I could think of. I started running to the bus stop, two miles away.

After fifteen minutes of running, I reached the bus stop. Nobody was there, just me. After only a second of waiting, the bus arrived, and I shoved a couple bills into the toll box. As I sat down on the hard blue seats, I could only think of Jaycee.

The picture of her pink and black dress, with her brown curled hair was glued into my mind. The fruity smell of her perfume and the feel of her soft skin were all I could think about. Her words played back into my mind and I cursed myself for leaving her like I did. I was nothing but a coward.

The bus dropped me off a block from my house, and I didn’t mind the short walk home. It was refreshing. “Your home early.” My mother said to me as I walked into the house, “Did you not enjoy yourself?”

“A couple guys spiked the punch and everyone started getting crazy so I decided to leave.” I said, not really lying, because Aaron and Quinton had spiked the punch, hence the reason for Aaron being drunk.

"That was a good choice.” She said to me as I started down the hall. I just really wanted to sleep.

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