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Ps, i'm skipping Niall's POV, so this chapter is in Jaycee's POV too. Shoutout goes to @anjaly123.

I love you all, please enjoy! 



 Jaycee's POV

As I walk up to my locker, the events from last night re-played in my mind. I had already scolded myself last night for telling Niall I had, "fallen in love with a star", but, that wasn't the only thing that was on my mind. Last night with Niall felt so surreal, like a dream even, something half the girls in my school would have thought up in their head while listening to love songs.

But I knew good and well that it had happened. When I was with him, I had lost track of all sense of time, and the only thing I could think about was the moment I was living. He gave me an indescribable feeling, a rush, a thrill, and he made me want to be someone that i've been scared to be, myself. Niall makes me feel a way I have never felt before, like i'm falling from the tallest building in the world, but I feel a sense of security, because I know he'll be there to catch me.

"Jaycee,"  I turn my head from the inside of my locker, and see Niall himself approaching me.

"Hey Niall," I say, laying my thoughts about him to rest.

"I was wondering if you wanted to work on this project again tonight?"

"That would be a good idea, since we didn't get much work done last night." I say, a smirk on my face.

"My thoughts exactly," he smiles, "do you want to work at my house though? I figured there would be less distraction there."

"Um, yeah. That's fine." 

"Great," he smiles, "I have practice though. Do you think you could stay for that? It shouldn't last too long, then we can ride to my place together?"

"Yeah, perfect." I smile, "See you then."


From my seat on the bleachers, I watch the practice intently. I leave my eyes on Niall, but sometimes let them wander to Quinton or Aaron. Being the observer I am, I can tell most of the team really rely's on those three boys. Aaron is usually the one who get's the ball from the opposing team's offense, Quinton is the one who dribbles the ball down the field, occasionally passing the ball to other players, just so he doesn't seem like a ball-hog, and once he reaches the opposing team's defence line, the ball goes to Niall who guards the ball and shoots it into the goal.

Two hours after it started, Niall is leading the team in a run, which means practice is over. I hop of the metal stands, and go down to the field where the coach is packing up some of the balls. I decide to help him, since honestly I have nothing better to do.

"Thank you," he says, holding open the bag the balls go into. "You look fimilar, what's your name?"

"Jaycee Collins," I say, "i'm a senior this year."

"Oh," he nods, "who are you here with?"

"Niall Horan, were working on a project together once practice ends." As I finish speaking, Niall jogs up, finished with the run. The coach gets a weird look in his eyes, and then his lips pull into a smirk. Coach drags Niall away for a minute, and says a couple words to him before heading off the field.

"Are you ready?" Niall smiles, picking up his bag. I nod and follow after him, and he can't help but notice my silence. "What's wrong?"

"Did I get you in trouble? Was I not allowed to come to practice?"

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