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Shoutout to @makenzietaylor12! Thanks for the comments chick(; It means alot! xx

Oooh, how did you like Liz's POV? Crazy, right? It gives you a look into the "other woman's" thoughts.. lmao. Don't forget to comment/vote!


Niall's POV.

"Liz," I say, standing up from the bench I was previously sitting on.

"Hey, Niall," She says, forcing a small smile. "Sit."

I sit down, and fold my hands together in my lap. "What did you want to talk about?"

She bites down on her lip, and looks down at the ground. "Look, I like you Niall, I really do. But I see it-"

"See what?"

"Ju-just let me finish," She sighs. "I know you like Jaycee Collins, I see the way you look at her Niall, trust me, I know. People told me about the party, Niall. They told me about the almost kiss, and her having your sweatshirt. They also told me about you walking her home, and helping her leave Kayla's house before the cops showed up. And I know about how you got in a fight in the hallway the other week, and then later she started to cry, and you - you held her,"

I want to believe you like me, Niall. I really do. And I think you do like me, honestly. I just don't think you like me as much as you like her."

"Liz, that-that isn't true!" I hesitate to lie, "I like you Elizabeth."

She chuckles, and that leaves my eyebrows knitted together. "Don't deny it, because we both know you like her more than you want to."

"How do you know?"

"I pay attention to you, Niall. I watch you as you watch her, and I watch you talk to her in school, at her locker." She plays with her hands. "It's okay, Niall. You liking her as actually helped me get over the crush i've had on you since 8th grade.." She chuckles as she leaves her sentence hanging on air.

"You're right, I do like her. But I like you." I say, running my fingers through my hair. "I didn't mean to-"

"Hurt my feelings?" She says, finishing my words. "You did, but its alright. I'll find someone, I promise I will. Sometime anyway."

"I couldn't choose between you two, because I like you both, so much."

"I know, Niall." She smiles, placing her hand on my knee. "And thank you, for that. For not intentionally hurting my feelings, but-"

"Good people get hurt by other good people, who have been put in a bad situation."

"Exactly." She nods, "I won't tell anyone about you liking Jaycee. I'll let you handle that on your own."

"Thank you," I mumble, my voice just above a whisper. "I just can't believe you're breaking up with me."

"I'm not breaking up with you, we never went out, in order for me to do that." She says, "I'm just saying goodbye, Niall."

"But I don't want you too," I mumble, looking down at the ground. When I return my gaze back up, Elizabeth is standing up from the park bench.

"And I don't want to, either." She says, slowly. "But I have to."

"No, you don't, you just think you do." I say, grabbing her hand.

She closes her eyes once more, before slowly whispering, "Goodbye, Niall."

Before she turns to leave, I grab her hand, and slowly lean in to kiss her. I press my lips against hers, slowly. It's a slow, short, blissful kiss. A perfect kiss to end a relationship, although I didn't want it to end.



Life, why must it be so confusing? One kiss, can start, or end a relationship. A single word can make a crush form, or make anger boil. A small smile, can inspire others, or make their feelings worsen. It's all just so confusing.

As I told you before, I was torn between two "penguins". Well, one penguin decided to up and leave, and it hurt. It hurt, but she basically did what i've been wanting her to do. I like them both, alot. But I came to the second one, as more of a re-bound, since I was buried in a pit of jealousy, hoping she would pull me out. Well, she did. And she threw me into the pit labeled, "Love-struck, confused young boy, who just wants to find the perfect girlfriend and doesn't want to hurt anyone in the process."

It's so hard. It's hard to want to let someone go, and not know how. There I was, torn between two incredibly beautiful girls, and I haven't had one clue as to what to do. This girl, she left me. And yes, she left me with one penguin - the right penguin, but i'm still gonna miss her. And at least for awhile, a little part of me will always wonder if I let the wrong penguin slip through my fingers.

Or, maybe, neither of these girls are my penguins. Because, when you meet your penguin, shouldn't you know? Shouldn't it just scream to you. Or shouldn't it be written on their back, 'I'M YOUR PENGUIN!' God, finding your soul mate would be so much easier if it were that way.

But, I guess the adventure is the most valuable part. I don't think the actual, 'we met and fell in love, the end' is the story. I think a wild, crazed, love and lust filled romance is a story. A story everyone deserves to have.

Especially you, Jaycee.

Yours Truly."

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