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Shoutout to @dogloveromq! Thanks for the nice comments :) They mean alot! I love you all, and hope you guys enjoy this chapter. (It's Nialls POV of what happened at the diner.)



Nialls POV

"Can this waiteress hurry up?" Megan groaned, playing with her fingernails.

"Chill, we just got here 3 minutes ago."

"It's about time," She muttered, as a girl around our age approached the table. "Oh my God, is that Jaycee Collins?"

"Hey guys, i'll be serving you tonight. Can I start you off with something to drink?" Jaycee said, handing us menus.

"Jaycee?" Megan gaped, looking over at Aaron, "You work here?"

"I'll have a Coke please." Quinton said, breaking the awkward silence.

"Same," Aaron and I agreed, I normally don't drink Coke, but I just can't think right. This is the first time i've talked to Jaycee since the letters started. Well, really the first time this year, or in two years, maybe the first time since our freshman year. And, it was.. well, awkward.

"I'll have a water, with lemon." Megan said, innterupting my thoughts. Jaycee came back and we ordered our food. While I was eating, I looked over at the counter where Jaycee flirted non-stop with another guy. I was getting jealous, I must admit, but I knew I was wrong, since we weren't dating and we weren't close to it either. I mean, she didn't even know my name. But, I still couldn't stop starring at them, she kept laughing and he was doing some funny looking dance on the other side of the counter. He said something to her that made her blush and bite the inside of her lip, and I couldn't help myself to wonder if she did the same while reading my letters.

The jealousy in the pit of stomach kept growing as I looked over the boy she was talking to. He is around 16 or 17, and he wasn't bad looking. He was tall, and his hair is a chestnut color. By the way his body looks, he seems in shape. Jaycee caught me starring, and I turned away with my cheeks red due to embrassment. "Hey guys," Liz smiled as she scooted in next to Megan.

"Hey," I said. "You look pretty."

"Thanks." She blushed, as Megan elbowed her, "You look good too."

"Thanks." Now it was my turn to blush.

"Did you guys hear about the party this weekend at Kayla Bushwell's house?" Quinton said, putting down his phone, finally. "I just got a text about it."

"I heard some rumors about it, but I didn't know if it was legit." Aaron said, putting his arm around Megan.

"We should go," Megan smiled at Aaron, "We haven't gone to a party since July!"

"You mean the party where Jessica cheated on Niall and then dumped him? I remember." Quinton smirked, "Hey! I was just kidding!" He said after I elbowed him.

"When is it?" I asked, looking at Liz, who was looking at me.

"Saturday night. I was thinking about going." Quinton said, relaxing back into the booth.

"I might go," Liz said, "but I don't have anyone to go with, and it's no fun to go with you and Aaron." she continued, looking at Megan.

"I'm sure you'll find someone to go with." She smiled, stealing a glance at me. Jaycee soon came back over, and we ordered our desserts.

"Liz! Do you know how many calories are in ice-cream?" Megan scolded.

"Shut up, Meg. I like a girl who doesn't count calories, or who isn't afraid to eat in front of a guy."

"Thank you, Niall." Liz smiled, causing me to let out a light chuckle. After we ate our ice-cream, Quinton was quick to leave, leaving us four.

"Are you taking me home?" Liz asked Megan once we were all about to leave the diner.

"Well, I was going to go to Aaron's.. and your house is on the other side of town."

"Don't worry about it," I said, placing a tip on the table, "I'll take you."


"Thanks for the ride home." She smiled as we stopped to her house.

"You're welcome," I say, "but I think we should talk."

"About the party last month?"

"Yeah," I say stracthing the back of my head. "you're the only one that knows I was there. And we were both pretty drunk."

"I know Niall." She says, "Plus Jessica was there, so that must've been hard."

"Yeah," I agree. "but, look, I think you're a pretty great girl. And, I think we should talk more."

"Uh, okay?" She chuckles.

"How about we go to that party together?"

"Sounds good," she smiles. "goodnight Niall."

"Goodnight." I say, leaning over and giving her a kiss on the cheek.

I know it's wrong to speak out of jealousy, but I just couldn't help it.

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