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Jaycee's POV


I'd love to tell you who I am, but I can't right now.. i'm sorry. Just please, trust me. That's all I can ask of you right now. Even though I can't give away my identity, I can promise you I am a student at Linwood High, a senior in fact. And, i'm a guy, so that should give you a little comfort. I would still like to get to know you better, and i'd like for you to get to know me better too. Like you, it seems alot of people in Linwood have different perceptions of me and sometimes it's aggravating. But hey, that's life I guess.

I can relate to what you say about not being sure what to do after highschool. I've always wanted to go see the world, go explore and hopefully find myself somewhere out there. But I have also always wanted to settle down, too. Marry the love of my life and start a family. Another wild dream of mine is to become a professional football player. However my family wants me to go to school and do something "worth my time" like becoming a doctor or a lawyer. I guess, all I want to be is happy.

I haven't figured it out yet. But maybe someday down the road i'll write you a letter about how everything's going. And I might just sign with my real name. But for right now, i'll remain a mystery.

Goodnight beautiful,

Yours Truly."

After reading and re-reading the letter, I can't help but smile. This person has so many ambitions and dreams, it's motivating.

"Jaycee," my grandmother says, knocking on my bedroom door.

"Yes Grandma?" I answer, quickly moving my history book over the letter.

"Don't forget, you have to start getting ready for work soon."

I nod and let out a sigh, dreading the fact I have to work all night tonight. Glancing at the clock, I figure I don't have enough time to write a reply before I have to leave.


"Hey Luke." I smile, walking into Jerry's, a local resturant where I waitress.

"Well, hello." He smiles back to me. Luke works as a busboy here, and we often work the same shifts. For the two months i'd been working here, he's seemed to have flirted with me non-stop. I don't mind though, he was cute. The way his chestnut colored hair was styled perfectly and how he the way he looked in his tee shirt advertising the diner's name made me blush everytime he looked my way.

"Jaycee, there's a table in the back." Jerry, the owner said to me, "You wanna get it?"

I quickly nod and grab my notepad, heading to the table. As I got closer to the table, I realized the booth was occupied by Aaron Quimby, Megan Kendrick, Niall Horan and Quinton Brooks. I drew in a deep breath before approaching the table. "Hey guys, i'll be serving you tonight. Can I start you off with something to drink?" I say, placing menus on the table.

"Jaycee?" Megan gaped, "You work here?" I nodded, which caused her to giggle.

"I'll have a coke please." Quinton said, breaking the silence.

"Same," Niall and Aaron quickly agreed.

"I'll have a water," Megan said, "with lemon." I scribbled down the drinks, before going to the counter and filling glasses. When I came back, they ordered their dinners, the boys getting burgers, and Megan of course, ordering a salad.

"You look pretty cute today Jaycee," Luke smiled from the other side of the counter.

"Why thank you, Luke." I smile, "And you don't look too bad yourself."

"Tell me, tell me, tell me something I don't know. Something I don't know." He sang, mimicking the annoying, high-pitched Selena Gomez song.

"That sounded just like her, Luke!" I laughed, as he did a little dance. It was around 8 o'clock, and not many people were at the diner. Niall, Quinton, Aaron and Megan were still sitting around the table. But, a couple minutes after they arrived, Elizabeth Neal joined them, and the whole school knows she has the biggest crush on Niall. It was funny, because he really never paid any attention to her.

"Do you guys want any deserts or anything?" I asked them.

"Yeah, can I have a chocolate milkshake?" Quinton asked, while looking down at his phone.

"And I want a hot fudge sundae." Niall smiled, Aaron asked for the same.

"Can I have one scoop of chocolate ice-cream, please?" Liz asked. Megan elbowed her, and scolded her about the amount of calories in ice-cream. I rolled my eyes before going back to the counter, where Luke helped me prepare the desserts. After bringing their ice-cream, I also dropped off the check.

Once they all left, Jerry decided to close the diner, and asked Luke and I to stay behind and clean up. "Awe, they left me a tip." I said sarcastically, picking the five dollar bill up off the table. "How sweet."

"I take it you know them, eh?" Luke asked, sweeping the floor around the booths.


"Well, instead of dreading over your horrible life, how about you take this rag," he said, throwing a wet washcloth at me, "and clean that table"

"Iyiyi capin'," I chuckled while humming along to the music playing through the speakers.

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