New York, New York

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Hey guys! :) I hope you guys are enjoying the twists and turns throughout this story! I mean, Liz is gone now, but Niall still feels torn. This time, not between two girls, but from his two different personalities. Woahh. Anyway, don't forget to comment/vote/follow, I love hearing your thoughts!

This chapters shoutout goes to @LizzyBean22, thanks for all the votes & comments! (:

Much love,



Jaycee's POV

"Hey pumpkin," my dad smiles, entering my hotel room. "I have to go to my meeting, you have money, right?"

"Yes Daddy." I smile to him, continuing to brush my hair.

"Alright, carry your cell phone with you, and i'll be back around 5."

"Okay," I say, "don't worry." He plants a small kiss on the top of my head before leaving the hotel. After a few minutes, I change into jeans and a simple pale pink v-neck shirt, along with white sandals. I decide to be adventurous, and wear my brown hair down in its natural waves.

I grab my phone and wallet, before heading out the door. It's nice out, the temperature is probably in it's sixties, however the wind picks up a bit at times. We've been in New York for three days, and so far we've been to the Statue of Liberty, the Empire State Building, Central Park and Time Square. Dad told me that tomorrow he'd take me to the Art Museum, so I quickly decide not to go there. As I walk along the sidewalk, a couple of shops catch my eye, and I decide today will be the perfect day to buy souvenirs.

I decide on a simple coffee mug for grandma, a dog toy for Bella, and a simple tee shirt for Jerry, my boss. What to get for Luke, Niall and him was what left me confused.

I find a gray New York City hoodie, and buy it for Luke. For Niall, I buy a shot glass, that has pictures of buildings from New York on it. And for him, I buy a key chain. It seems corny and cheap, I know. But, the key chain says a simple, I Love You, and I think that says enough.

It was only 3:30, so I decide I would do some shopping for myself. I head into one of the shops I saw, and begin looking through the clothing racks. I find a shirt I like, it's a simple decorative tee. It's pale yellow, and there's a bird on it, drawn in black, and scribbled around the bird are the words, 'be free', and I quickly grab it off the rack. I also grab a few more shirts, and a pair of brown thong strap sandals. When I finally leave the shop, I receive a text,

From: Niall

Heard you were in New York? Awesome! But, I miss seeing you around, xx.

I smile, and continue thinking of him the whole walk back.


The door chimes as I walk into Mama's Coffeehouse. Dad had another meeting, and he recommend the small cafe. I sit down at a small table, and soon, a woman, in about her thirties is approaching me, she has long brown hair and brown eyes, and she is gorgeous.

"Can I help you?"

"Oh, yes, please." I say, "Can I have a hot chocolate, and a brownie?" She nods and walks away. As i'm waiting for my order, I glance around the coffeehouse. It's small, and you can tell it's family owned. A couple photographs and paintings are hung around the deep-colored walls, and it feels like the perfect atmosphere for a coffeehouse. As i'm looking around, a young couple catches my eye. They must be around my age, they look young. The boy has dark hair, and dark eyes, and he seems, mysterious. The girl he's with however, has light brown hair and a beautiful vibrant smile. They're both laughing at each other, school books scattered on the table they're sharing, along with two coffee mugs. I smile towards them, though neither of them seem to notice, it's like they're lost in their own little world, too caught up in the fact of loving each other to notice anyone or anything else.

"They're cute, aren't they?" The waitress smiles, placing a coffee mug and a small plate in front of me. I smile and nod, embarrassed she caught me starring. "That's my son,"

"Is he with his girlfriend?" I ask her.

"No," She says, "they're not dating, yet anyway." she adds with a smirk, and I let out a giggle.

"They look like they're in love," I admit shyly, looking back towards them.

"They are," she smiles faintly, "they just don't know it yet." She walks away after her statement, and I sit there for a moment, before reaching down to grab my bag.

I pull out a pen and peice of paper, along with the photographs i've taken during our stay. Were leaving tomorrow, (A/N: so this is a different day then at the top, just saying, lol), and I wanted to do this without my fathers knowledge.

An hour, 3 hot chocolates and two brownies later, i've arranged all the photographs of our stay in New York City in to the scrapbook just how I wanted them. And actually, i'm excited to leave tomorrow,

i've missed Ireland.



I just thought you'd want to know what Jaycee did in NYC. Don't forget to comment/vote/follow! I love you all <3

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