Two Different People

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Hey guys! Sorry for the long wait, I was waiting to get more reads! And what did you think about that last chapter, huh? Crazy, right! And Jaycee being in NYC? Wow.

Anyway, shoutout to @unde_niall_able! Thanks for the comment (:


Niall's POV

Jaycee isn't here.

She hasn't been here for the past 3 days. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday - haven't seen her. Spring break is next week, so, why is she missing all this school? Is she sick? Is she, is she dying?

I walk through the crowded hallways, pushing my way through the people. The late bell for 4th period rang, and I didn't mind. I stay in the hallways, lingering. Once all the students went into their classrooms, I make my way to the supply closet. Like always, the door was unlocked, and like always, I look underneath the stack of paper. And not like always, theres no letter. No letter to be picked up, and no letter to be dropped off. I dropped off the letter last Thursday, she had 6 days. 6 days, to write back, and she hadn't. Or, maybe she had, and she hadn't dropped it off, because she's sick, and she hasn't been here.

I shake my head and decide i'm going mad, and since i'm already 10 minutes late to class, I walk out of the closet, out of the school, and into my car.

I drive absentmindedly, to Jerry's. I walk in, sit down at the counter, and hang my head down low.

"Do you need anything?"

I pull my head up, and the owner of the voice, was low and behold, Luke. "Yeah, can I have a Coke, please?" Soon, he returns, with a glass of soda, and places it in front of me.

"Hey," he smiles, "weren't you the boy who came in a couple of weeks ago?"

"And we talked about girls?" I smile, "Yeah, that was me."

"How's the girl, by the way?"

"We, uh," I smile, scratching the back of my neck, "hit a rough patch."

"Gotcha," he nods, wiping down the counter.

"You?" I ask, taking a sip of my drink.

"Well, I finally got it through my thick skull that she didn't like me," he says, "so, I moved on."

"Good for you, man." I smile, "Hey, have you seen that girl Jaycee around? She hasn't been in school."

"Oh, Jaycee," he nods, "she went on vacation."

"Cool, to where?"

"New York City." he says.


"This is for you leaving!" I shout, kicking the football across the field.

"This one, is for you not giving me an explanation!" I shout again, kicking another ball.

"And this one, is for not writing back!" I do the same as before.

"And, this one, is for you.." I say, picking up the white and black football, "is for you not loving me!" I punt the ball, and it flies across the field. The rain is pouring down harder now, but I don't mind. My tee-shirt is soaked through all the way, and it begins sticking to my chest. I quickly take it off, letting the rain mix in with the sweat, beating down my face and chest. I run my fingers through my damp hair, and begin wondering if I should retrieve the three balls.

"Good job, Horan."

I turn around quickly, and see Coach standing a couple feet behind me, his arms crossed in front of his chest. The rain has managed to soak him, like it did me, and the wind is making his wind-breaker flap and hit against his chest. "Hey, coach."

"What was that about?" He says, motioning toward the footballs.

"Girl stuff.." I say, embarrassed, "I really wish you didn't see it."

"No, i'm glad I did," he admits, coming closer to me. "you did well, those were three perfectly executed kicks, and the punt at the end? Flawless."

"Well, thanks, Coach." I blush, quite embrassed.

"Everytime we play," he says, "think of that girl. She gets your adrenaline pumping, that's good." I simply nod, "It's always good to have a girl that keeps you on your toes." And with that, he walks away.

There, he leaves me dumbfounded, picking up wet footballs.

And there is also the spot where I realized, if I were Jaycee, I would've done the same thing,

I would've ran away, from.. me.


As I lay in bed that night, my legs sore, I come to the realization that I am two different people.

I am Niall Horan, captain of the football team, star player, attractive, popular, ladies man.

And I am 'Yours Truly', a romantic guy, who speaks out of his heart and soul, not letting his conscious say a word. He is a man, who has reached a maturity level, so I can understand the little things. The details in things, and the dreams thousands have dreamed.

I am Niall James Horan at heart, and the sad truth is, i'm pretending to be 'Yours Truly', because that's what Jaycee wants, but I don't think I can do that anymore. And tonight is the night,  I shall write my goodbye.


Jaycee loves him, and Niall wants to leave? OH SHIT. DAAAYUMMM.


Love you!

Ps, i'm sorry it's short

Yours Truly.Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu