The Party

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shoutout to @mgm715! :) Thanks for reading, love!


The Party.

Jaycee's POV.


I can understand where you're coming from about the whole parent situation. I've always wanted to become a photographer. It's a great way to capture memories, and rare and beautiful moments. I've often told my father about my dream to go to photography school and become a professional. Yanno, take pictures of weddings and new born babies. But, my father doesn't think that job is "justifying for someone with my potential."

You see, my father builds rockets. He's a crazy genuis scientist engineer and he thinks I should follow in his footsteps and do something of great measures. But maybe, I don't want to do that. Maybe I just want to stay in Linwood and start a family, just like you. If my mother were still alive, she would agree with me. She'd see the importance of my own happiness. And deep down I know my father does too, he just  see the importance of his also.

One day down the road I hope we both choose paths that make us happy. And i'd love for you to write me again, and if you want, you can sign with your real name, that'd be great. But if you don't, i'm not really worried. Because you've already become more of a friend to me then alot of people have, and that means something.



It had taken me and hour fourty-five minutes to write that letter, because I kept getting distracted by the damn noise from next door, at Kayla Bushwell's house. I had heard rumors around school she was throwing some huge party tonight, but I had prayed that it wasn't true. She has been throwing parties there once a year since our freshman year. But, before her, her older brother Kyle used to throw them too. So, once a year, since the seventh grade, there has been some crazy party there.

"Jay!" My grandmother called for me inside the living room.

"Yes grandma?"

"I have to go to the doctors tomorrow at 6:30 in the morning, can you please tell them to keep it down? It's nearly midnight."

"They won't listen Grandma. They're teenag-"

"Jaycee. Atleast try."

"I'm going to make a fool of myself Grandma. And they won't listen to m-"

"Now." She snapped. I gave up my fight, and went back into my bedroom to grab my phone and head next door, knowing i'm about to be made fun of, horribly. Once I reach the door, I consider turning around to change since I'm sporting yoga pants, Uggs and a hot pink hoodie with only a tanktop underneath. "Na," I say out loud, shaking my head, nobody will notice me anyway.

I was going to knock on the door, but it was already open. I walk in, and immediatley the smell of alcohol is over-barring. I walk into the living room, remembering the house vaguely from being here once or twice before. I look around for Kayla, but instead all I see is half naked girls dancing with guys they probably barely know. As I walk through the living room and into the kitchen, various types of beer bottles and Red Solo cups cover the countertops and tables. I honestly feel pitty for whoever has to clean this up in the morning. I still can't find Kayla, and the house is cramped and sweaty. So, I go outside to the patio hoping to find her here. It's less crowded, there only being about 20 people around the fire, all holding plastic cups. There were some people around the corner, but I didn't recognize them to be Kayla, so as I headed back into the house to find her again, I ran into something hard.

I stumbled backward, but a pair of hands caught my hips and balanced me. "I am so sorry!" I apologized to whoever I hit. I knew it had to be a guy just because of his body build.

"It's fine, my fault." As I looked up to see the owner of the voice, we bumped into each other again. And this time, the drink that was in his hand, that had somehow managed to keep from spilling the first time, was now covering my hoodie. "Oh my God, i'm so sorry."

I laugh, "It wasn't your fault, I ran into you."

"You might want to take that off. You'll get cold, and you'll probably stink."

"True," I laugh, still looking at the pink hoodie. It had totally slipped my mind that underneath this was only a camisole. As I pulled it over my head, his eyes that were stuck on the hoodie, were now stuck on my boobs, that were barely covered up by a cami. "Shit! I forgot this was all I had on."

"Here, take mine." He says, shrugging off his gray and black Nike hoodie and handing it to me. When he said that, I looked up and met his beautiful eyes. Which I hadn't seen up close in who nows how long. "Jaycee, take it. You'll be freezing your ass off in that."

"Thank you." I whisper as I slide it over me, suddenly feeling warm.

"I didn't know you went to parties." He smiled.

"I don't." I rolled my eyes and quickly decide not to tell him the real reason on why i'm here. "But, did you know it was me when you ran into me?" I asked.

"No, I didn't know until I took off my sweatshirt and handed it to you."

"Oh." I say, and I can feel an awkward silence coming. "That was sweet by the way."

"It was nothing. I am just being nice." He smiles, blushing a bit.

"Well, thank you." I smile, blushing also. I look at his face, and notice he has a black strand on yarn on his cheek. I inch closer to him, and begin to pull it off, when someone bumps into him, causing him to bump into me, again. Before I fall, he catches my hips, and absentmindedly, I put my arms around his neck to further secure myself. I was leaning back a bit, not perfectly stable, but I didn't mind, because I somehow felt as if he would never let me fall. "You have something on your face there." I brush off the strand, and as my hand touches his cheek, I feel, warm, all over.

"So do you, except yours is pink." He chuckles, bringing his finger to my lips. He brushes it off, and in that moment I wouldn't of cared if he brushed it off with his finger or with his lips. Or if it wasn't even there at all. We bring our faces closer together, and our lips are about to touch when he starts to speak, "Jaycee, I have to tell you something."

"What Niall?" I whisper, inching even closer to his incredibly gorgeous face.


But, his words were cut off as someone stormed around the property yelling, "COPS! EVERYONE LEAVE!"

I guess everything great comes to an end, right?

Yours Truly.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora