City Bound

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Shoutout to @LilMizzSab97 for commenting a couple chapters ago! :) I love you all, so very much! Don't forget to comment/vote/fan!


Jaycee's POV

"Jaycee," my dad says, walking into my bedroom, "are you ready?"

"Yeah," I say, looking up from my suitcase. "can you bring this to the car for me, please?"

"Of course pumpkin." he smiles, picking up the bag.

I sigh and look around my room, making sure I remembered everything, and something on my desk catches my eye. A letter, the letter I haven't read yet. I decide i'll bring it with me, and write back while i'm on the plane, although it might be awhile before he gets to read it. I walk out of my bedroom, letter in hand, and enter the living room, where my Grandmother is seated, in her rocking chair.

"Hey Grandma," I smile to her.

"Hey sweetie." She smiles, "Oh come on, give me a hug."

I smile and give her a hug, "I'm gonna miss you!"

"Oh, i'll miss you both," she says.

"And i'm gonna miss you too," I smile towards my puppy, Bella, who is happily sitting on my Grandma's lap.

"Now, go on, I don't want you to miss your plane." I agree with her, and give her another hug before saying my final goodbye.

"Dad?" He looks toward me, "Do you think we could stop by Jerry's for a minute? I have to get something."

"Sure, pumpkin." He smiles, pulling out of the driveway


"Is Luke working today?" I ask one of the waitresses, Chrissy.

"Yep," she smiles, filling a glass with water, "he should be in the kitchen."

I nod and go into the kitchen, and sure enough, there he is leaning against the counter.

"Jace," he smiles, "I thought you were leaving?"

"I'm about too," I say, "can I ask a favor?"

"Yeah," he says, "anything."

"Can you stop by my house and walk Bella for me? Just once a day, until I get back?" I say, "My Grandmother is watching her for us, and she's quite old, please, Luke?"

"No problem, just text me the directions."

"Thank you!" I smile, throwing my arms around him. I give him a tight hug, one where my face was buried in his neck, so I could smell his cologne. "I'm gonna miss you."

"I'm gonna miss you too, babe," he says, giving me a tight squeeze, before I end the hug.

"I'm sorry," I blurt out, his eyebrows knit together, and I can tell he's confused. "for how I ended things."

"Don't worry about it, that's the past, i've moved on." He smiles.

I can't do anything but nod. Soon, I find myself giving him another hug. After a moment of debate, I find myself on my tippy-toes, kissing his cheek. "I'm going to think of you when i'm gone,"

"I'm going to be thinking about you too," he smiles, his hands hung loosely around my hips. "bring me back something nice."

"I will," I nod, smiling, "well, goodbye, Luke. I'll see you soon."


While were sitting on the plane, and my dad's asleep, I decide to respond to the letter, since I read it moments before.


Don't worry about finding your soul-mate, you're too young for that! When it happens, it happens. Stop wasting your time thinking about it so much, please.

I'm going away for a bit, with my dad. He's been home for awhile now, and since spring break is coming up, we decided it would be good to leave. I'll be gone for two weeks, so if you don't get this for awhile, you know why -- and i'm sorry for the long wait. Anyway, i'd think it would be nice, to get away for awhile. To escape, and to find a peace of mind. Hopefully, you'll find it too.

And now, i'm sitting on the plane, next to my sleeping father. Thankfully, he let me have the window seat, so as I write this to you, i'm looking out the window, at the clouds and the sky. I'm thinking about what it would be like to be a bird. Birds get to fly, they get to fly away, and they get to see sunsets, and sunrises, from different oceans, and different shores. They can sit up high, in the tree branches, or on top of mountains. They can look at the beautiful world around them, and when they want too, they can just fly away.

I'm feeling envious of the birds, because their lives seem so, so, easy. They can just fly away from their problems, and explore the world whenever the need arises. But now, now i'm not so sure. Is it best, to just fly your whole life? To fly away from all your problems, to just leave them, ignored? It seems that's what i'm doing now. I'm sitting on this plane, flying away. I'm flying away from you, from the boy who has left me so confused, i'm flying away from an old crush, i'm flying away from everything.

But do you want to know what scares me the most?

I'm frightened by the thought of me, learning to fly away from you, before telling you something, something that i've been dying to tell you for a long time now.

So, i'm going to tell you now. And hell, I might not be coming back. You might never read these words, but i'm going to say them anyway, because I need to tell you.

I love you.

Yours Truly,


Suddenly, a voice goes over the intercom, "Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to New York City."










Yours Truly.Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum