The After-Party

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shoutout to @ThisChicksABelieber! Thanks for all the support on all my fanfictions!


Niall's POV

As I was about to kiss her, and tell her all about me being the one who writes the letters, some jack-ass ran around yelling that the cops were on their way. I still held on to Jaycee's hips, and I steadied her before letting go.

"Niall? She asked, "Are we going to get arrested?"

"No!" I chuckle, "It's going to be fine."

"But, the cops are coming."

"Jaycee," I say, looking into her eyes. "It's going to be okay, trust me."

"Okay, I trust you." She whispers and I smile.

"Follow me," I grab her hand and lead her through the backyard, and to the fence.

"I'm not jumping the fence."

"Jay, there's a gate, calm down." I chuckle, looking around for the lock so the gate would open.

"I live next door, so I can just walk there." She says after we stepped out onto the road.

"Let me walk you." I say too quickly, "My cars over there anyway." She smiles and agrees, and we walk in silence down the road.

"Thank you for saving me."

"I didn't save you," I say looking at her. "You would've been fine."

"Well, you kind of did." She shrugs, "Like, if it were any other guy, they wouldn't of offered me their sweatshirt. Or, lead me to safety. And most wouldn't walk me home, either."

"It was nothing," I chuckle as my cheeks grew red. "promise."

"Whatever you say," She says in a sing-song voice. "this is my house." We both stop walking, and just stand there. There's an awkward silence, but I don't mind because i'm standing next to Jaycee, which is something i've been wanting to do for awhile now.

"You should go inside, it's cold."

She nods, but doesn't say anything. "What do you want me to do with your sweatshirt?"

"Give it to me in school, or something. I don't care."

She nods, "Thank you again."

"Jaycee, if you do not stop thanking me,"

"Why? What are you going to do, tickle me to death?" She smirks.

"Well I just might." I smirk to her. She blushes and bites the inside of her lip, just like she had done when she was with that boy in the diner last week. "Or I could just hug you until you die."

She gapes, "That is an awful way to die!"

"What? In the arms of an attractive young man? I don't think so, Jay."

She laughs, and when the conversation is fading away, she says, "I better be going inside. Thank you, again."

"That's it, I already told you." I smirk to her. I don't think she realizes that she thanked me until my arms are wrapped around her.

"Niall! Let go of me." She laughs.

"Not until you un-thank me!"

"Is that even possible?!"

"I don't know." I chuckle.

"Well, I guess you're just going to have to hug me to death, because i'm not un-thanking you." And to my surprise, her arms wrap around my neck. My eyes grow wide, and my cheeks turn red.
After a moment or so, Jaycee says, "I guess I should go now."

"Awe," I pout, "you don't like hugging me?"

"No, I love hugging you," she says quickly, "it's just I smell like beer and want a shower. Plus it's pretty cold out."

"Well, that's true." I laugh, letting go of her.

"See you Monday," she whispers.

"See you Monday," I say, "goodnight, Jaycee."

"Goodnight," she says, right before I kiss her cheeck, which leaves her bright red. I wait on her sidewalk until she's dissapered into her house, when I turn in the oppisite direction to walk to my car.

From Aaron:

That was a sick party!

I just closed the message and tossed my phone onto the passenger seat in my car. While I was stopped at a red light, I decieded to make a de-tour to Jerry's. The diner stays open until midnight on the weekends, so I still had about 10 minutes to grab a quick cup.

I pulled into the parking lot, and walked into the empty diner. I sat at the breakfast bar, and a younger boy, around my age came up to me, holding a menu. "Hi, i'm Luke. Can I get you something to drink?" As I took a closer look at him, I realized it was the boy Jaycee was talking to last week.

"Yeah, can I have some coffee?" He nods and makes me a cup.

After he sits it down infront of me, he picks up his cell phone. He looks at it for a moment, and sighs.

"What's the matter?"

"Girls," He chuckles.

"Care to explain?" I say, taking another sip of the hot coffee.

"Well, on Saturday, I went on this date with a girl. She texted me some, but I haven't heard from her since yesterday."

"Oh, that sucks." I say, "I've been having some girl trouble too."

"Explain," He chuckles, making himself a cup of coffee.

"Well, i've had a crush on this girl for awhile now, but she never knew. I saw her with some other dude, and I thought she didn't have feelings for me. But tonight, when I was at some party, we almost kissed. And when I walked her home, she hugged me."

"So I guess she likes you instead of the other guy." He says, leaning aganist the counter infront of me.

"Yeah, maybe. But I think the other guy really likes her." I say, looking at him.

"Wow, do you know this other guy?"

"I've talked to him once." I say, in-directly talking about him.

"Oh, if I were you, i'd swoop in and get your girl before it's too late. Fuck the other guy, you had her first, right?" He smirks, chuckling.

"Yeah, I guess so." I laugh, "Good luck with your girl, bro." I say, placing the money on the counter.

He's gonna need it.

Yours Truly.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin