Elizabeth & Jaycee & Penguins

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Niallers POV.

I dialed my locker combination, and it opened easily. I took out my History book, replacing the empty space with my math book.

"Hey there," I turned and saw Elizabeth standing to my left.

"Hey Liz." I smile to her, closing my locker door.

"How was the party?"

"It was good." I sighed, leaning against my locker. "It sucks you couldn't go."

"Yeah, I know! But I heard someone called the cops, that's crazy."

"I know, right!" I started laughing, and i'm not sure why, because neither of us said something that was funny, but when her laughter joined mine, and I caught glimpse of her pretty brown eyes, I felt something in my stomach I quite hadn't felt before. Something those girls would call butterflies.

"Are you okay Niall? You're sorta zoning out there."

"Oh, sorry." I chuckled, shaking my head. "Are you going to the game Friday?"

"I'm not sure." She says, "Do you want me to go?"

"Yeah, and I want to go to dinner with you afterwards."

I swear she almost chocked on air, "Is that a date, Horan?"

"It is, Neal." Right after I answered, the bell rang. "I'll see you at lunch." I gave her a hug, and I watched her walk away. I had history next, and I really didn't feel going. I hate that class, the only good thing about it is,

"Uh, hey Niall." Jaycee stammered, standing in front of me.

"Hey Jaycee." I smiled, shoving my hands in my pockets. It's sort of weird how I was just thinking she was the only good thing about History, and then she was standing behind me.

"Um, I was going to talk to you but I saw you were talking to Elizabeth, so I didn't say anything." She said quickly, looking down at her feet. I don't understand why she's acting so weird, she was acting completely fine on Saturday. She was even acting flirty, and now she's so nervous. And then, I put two and two together. Jaycee heard me talking to Liz, which means she heard me ask her on a date next Friday.

"Did you hear me talking to her?" I asked, looking down at her.

"Uh, well, yeah." She stuttered, "But it's no big deal."

"Dammit." I cursed, "Jaycee I am so sorry. I forgot all about you-"

"It's okay Niall, everyone does." She whispered, before taking off down the hallway.

"That's not what I meant Jace!" I screamed after her. Soon, she was already gone around the corner. "Fuck!" I hissed, hitting my fist against my locker.


"What's the matter, bro?" Aaron asked me at lunch.

"Nothing." I said, my eyes not making contact with his, "I'm fine."

"You've been acting weird since after math."

"Did something happen in between classes? Or in History? Or some shit, bro?" Quinton asked, shoving away his lunch tray.

"He seemed fine when he asked Liz on a date." Megan smirked.

"Did she reject you something?" Aaron said, smirking along with his girlfriend.

"No." I simply said, my voice plain.

"Well then something happened in history." Quinton nodded.

"You better start acting normal at practice." Aaron warned me.

"Yeah, yeah, I know." I sighed, getting up from the lunch table. I walked out of the lunch room, and into the hallway. They were empty, so I decided to go to the supply closet. I found a letter from Jaycee, and smiled. I was about to read it in hallway, when I heard crying from the other side. 

I leaned on the corner, and stayed un-seen as the girl continued crying.

"Are you alright?" I asked, rounding the corner to find out who was crying their eyes out in a empty hallway of their high school. "Jaycee, why are you crying, love?"

"I'm not." She somehow managed to choke out throw tears.

"You are." I chuckled, sitting down next to her.

This time though, she didn't respond. She started to cry again, and I just wrapped my arms around her, not knowing what do to. Surprisingly, she didn't try to squirm out my grasp, and I pulled her closer, so her head was resting on my chest. I kissed the top of her head, "If you want to cry, cry. But i'm not leaving."



I read somewhere that penguins only have one love their whole life. Isn't that amazing? Isn't it amazing how a penguin can live their whole life, only loving one penguin? They spend their whole life, making memories with this penguin. They love this penguin with everything they have, and they never want to leave it. They settle down and start a future with this penguin..

Okay, so maybe i'm over exaggerating a tad. But still, wouldn't that be amazing if humans could that? I honestly think humans are incapable of only loving one person their whole life. I think they're always searching for something, or someone, new. They always test their boundaries, and try to push them. They lie, and cheat, and the good ones get hurt. But sometimes, the good ones get hurt by good people, who have to make a hard decision.

Because right now, I have two potential penguins, and my heart is spilt in two. And I don't know what to do, honestly. It's like when i'm with one, I never think about the second. And vice-versa when i'm with the second. And I just can't decide. I like them both so much, and i'm just not sure what to do anymore. Like I said before, sometimes good people get hurt by other good people, who have just been put in a bad situation.

Help me Jaycee, please.

And Jay, another thing. Don't lose hope in me. One day, i'll come around and tell you who I am. Just please, trust me until then.

Yours Truly."

I sigh aloud. So, this is what my Monday consists of, Elizabeth and Jaycee and Penguins.

Yours Truly.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें