Footballs and Niall Horan

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Shoutout to @lifeisa_beach for all the votes and lovely comments :) I hope you guys enjoy this chapter! Love you all.


Jaycee's POV

"Hey, wanna go to the game tonight?" My room-mate, Katelyn asks, entering our dorm room.

"No thanks." I say, turning my attention back to my laptop.

"Jaycee, you've isolated yourself in this room for weeks now." She huffs, crossing her arms over her chest. "I'm only asking for one footy game."

"You'd do the same if you went through a break-up, Kate." I said, closing my Mac.

"I know babe, that's why you need to get out of this room!"






"Yes!" She whines, sitting down on the foot of my bed.

"You really aren't gonna give up, are you?"

"No! I'm really not Jay."

"Ugh, fine." I sigh, a small smirk playing on my lips, "Only under one condition."

"What would that be?"

"You have to pay for my ticket." I say, sticking my tongue out at her.

"Deal." She smiles, hopping off my bed. "Now hurry up and get ready! The game starts in an hour."

I sigh and throw myself off my bed, opening the door to my closet. Ever since me and Niall broke up, my wardrobe has consisted of sweatpants and hoodies. We had both decided the long-distance relationship was hard to handle, and although the feeling was mutual, it didn't mean it was just as hard to say good-bye. I decide to leave my hair down in it's wave, not feeling like wearing it up today. I slip into a pair of light wash jeans and throw on a hoodie with my school's logo on it, a knight.

"Ready?" Katelyn asks, grabbing her purse of the desk.

"Yup." I nod, sliding my phone into my back pocket.

"Yanno, I was really hoping you wouldn't wear a sweatshirt tonight." She says, closing the door. "But, at least your hair's down."

"Who are we playing tonight anyway?" I ask, once Katelyn and I sit down at the bleachers.

"Umm, the Rams I believe."

My cheeks flushed and a lump in my throat began to form as I spotted Niall on the field, but I don't say a thing. I know how badly Katelyn wanted to go to this game, and how much it means to her that I was here. Plus, I loved football, it was my favorite sport. I just wasn't going to let one person ruin the game for me, especially when what happened, happened over two months ago.

The game began in full swing, players running all up down the field. I kept my eyes glued on the white and black ball, not letting them wander to Niall. But soon after the game began, the players, and the colors of the jersey's began to fade together. I honestly couldn't tell you how long the game had been going on or what the score was, let alone tell you who was winning.

Even though the game had become a blur and I had lost all sense of knowingness, one face remained perfectly clear.

Even from a distance I could tell him apart from the others. The way his muscles flexed as he ran, and the way the white jersey with the blue number seven printed on or the way his last name looked on the back of the peice of clothing.

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