Friday Night Lights

776 21 8

Shoutout goes to @KatKat9! Thanks for the comments love (;


Niall's POV.

"Now, we had a great season last year, and I expect this year to be just as good!" Coach said to us, giving us the pep-speech he gives before each game. "Some of our players are seniors this year, and we want to give them all an amazing last football season with us." He looks at Aaron, Quinton and I, and shoots us a small smile. "Now, let's kick off the season with an amazing first game!"

"Alright guys, hands in!" I shout, putting my hand in the middle of the huddle. All of us pile our hands on-top of eachother's, "On 3,"

"1, 2, 3!" Aaron counts down, "Bulldogs!" The team all shouts, and gets pumped up for our first game.

The whole team runs out onto the field, and the smell of grass instantly comes down on me. I breathe in, and look around. The lights are lighting the newly cut field, and the crowd is screaming as we run out. The whole scene is where I feel most comfortable, sporting my football uniform, with the crowd cheering me on, and my cleats planted in the grass.

I look about the crowd, and instantly see mine, Aaron's and Quinton's parents sitting next to each other. Meghan and Elizabeth are sitting in the first row, cheering the team on. I see Kayla Bushwell, next to them too. However, a certain two people caught my eye more than anyone else in the crowd. I see Jaycee, and a older man, I assume to be her father, sitting in the third row. I snap out of my thoughts when the coach starts calling the play, and once we go into formation, and the ball gets kicked, all I can think about is winning this game.

My penguins are in the crowd, I can't let them down.


"That was amazing!" Elizabeth smiles, running into my arms. "You did great."

"Thanks love," I smile, planting a small kiss on the top of her head. "Hey, i'll meet up with you soon, I have to go, uh, talk to some people."

"Alright." She smiles, "I'll be with Megan and Kayla. Come get me when you're ready." I give her a nod and a smile, before she disappears into the large crowd. I look around for Jaycee, and run over towards her when I see her walking towards the exit.

"Jaycee, wait!" I say, tugging on her arm.

"Hey, Niall." She says towards me, "Dad, i'll be in the car in about 5 minutes." He nods and dissapers, leaving us two to talk.

"Did you like the game?"

"Yep," She smiles. "you did great."

"Thanks." I say, blushing a bit. "I know I was a bit harsh the other day, but I hope it doesn't ruin things between us."

"Were just friends, so it won't." She says, forcing a smile. "You made that clear."

"Jace.." I trail, "I'm sorry."

"It's okay," She chuckles, forcing another smile. "I still have your sweatshirt though."

"Uh, give it to me whenever."

"Niall! Are you ready?" Liz asks, jogging up to us. "Oh, hey Jaycee.."

"Hey Elizabeth," She says awkwardly, "I have to go, bye." She quickly turns, and soon she's lost in the crowd.

"I didn't mean to interrupt.." She says, shooting up an eyebrow.

"You didn't," I say, quickly. "but c'mon, let's go."

She smiles, and nods. I slip my hand into hers, and lead her to my car.


After me and Liz's date, I dropped her off at home. Then, drove myself home too.

I'm sweaty, my muscles were sore, and I have grass stains all on my legs and arms. I need a shower, desperately. After walking into my room, I drop my bag onto my bed, and start peeling off my uniform. I walk into the bathroom, wearing only boxers, and turn on the hot water. When it reached a pleasurable temperature, I hopped in, and let the water soothe my body, head to toe.

While in the shower, I do what everyone does, I think. Sometimes, I think about football. Other times, I think about schoolwork, but tonight, i'm thinking about Elizabeth and Jaycee.

Our prom is coming up, in 2 months and 1 week. I know this because Megan wouldn't shut up about it. All I hear at lunch is her constantly talking to Liz about dresses and hairstyles, while she tuned her out, the whole time, giggling at me as I made funny faces at her from across the table. But, that's besides the point. The point is, I don't know who to ask. Elizabeth, or Jaycee.

Well, I already fucked everything up with Jay, but I could still try. And Elizabeth, she seems like a nice girl, but she's no Jaycee. I need to chose one of them, but whatever I do, the other will get hurt.


Poor Niall, he has to choose :(

But I know what's gonna happen, and you don't. ;P

Comment who you think he will ask!

Hope you liked this chapter, it was stupid and short, sorrrryyy!

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