Football and High School Rumors

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Niall's POV

The next morning, I walk into school to find the rumors about Jaycee's rose situation had ended and the new gossip at Linwood High was about how apparently some boy named Eric cheated on his girlfriend Marissa with someone else named Lauren from a different school. I don't really care about Eric and his relationship problems, i'm just happy the center of attention is away from Jaycee. It bothered me all last night that someone would say those things about her, especially since there's only one person who knows the entire story behind the rose, and that person is me.

"Niall," Aaron says as he comes up next to me, "do you mind giving me a ride home from try-outs tonight?"

I quickly agree and am reminded again of the upcoming football season. Since i'm a senior now, this season is really important to me. Especially after winning states last year, I want to keep up the reputation. Coach also hasn't let me forget about all the scouts coming to watch me play, so taking an off-season definitely wasn't an option.

I hurry to open my locker and grab my math book, since the late bell is about to ring. However, I manage to stop by the supply closet to find Jaycee's reply underneath the paper. I get a fuzzy feeling inside and put the envelope into my bag, before rushing off to first period.


"All right guys, that was good first try-out." Coach Peterson said at the end of practice. "It's good to see some returning faces, but it's also good to see some new boys interested in my football team. I hope to see you all tomorrow!"

After Coach's ending speech, we all jog back into the locker room. I peel off my sweaty clothes, throwing them into my gym bag. "Aaron, you ready?"

He nods and slings his bag over shoulder, following me out of the locker room. "So, how many freshmen do you think aren't gonna come back tomorrow?"

"I dunno. I know my freshman year I almost didn't come back." I say honestly, laughing.


"Do you wanna walk home?" I say sarcastically, opening the car door.

"Pssht." He says getting in my car, "You don't have the balls, Horan." At his last remark, I just roll my eyes and crank up the heat.


Later that night, I finally have the time to read Jaycee's relpy.

"Yours Truly,

Thank you for the rose, and the letter. It truly made my Valentines Day special. I wish I could know who you are though. It seems alot of people in the school think different things about me, and i'd like to know what you think when you see me. I'd love for you to get to know me, and i'd also like to get to know you.

Tell me a little about yourself. What do you want to do when you get older? Or who do you want to be? Highschool doesn't last forever and I know i've been having a hard time deciding on how i'm going to handle things after graduation. I'm not sure what I want.. but i'm afraid some people have already made that decision for me...

Sorry i'm babbling. I guess i'll just cut the letter off at that. Thank you, again.

Much Love,


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