Prom Dates and Frozen Yogurt

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You guys seriously are amazing and I love each and every one of you, but, the last update got 35 reads. Wassup with that? Please, tell your friends about the story! It would mean the world!

This chapters shoutout/dedication goes to @isabeltjee, thanks for all the comments love!


Niall's POV

Quinton had texted Aaron and I earlier, telling us he had important news, and to meet up at Jerry's, in our usual booth of course, at 5:30. It was now 5:45, and oddly enough, we were waiting on Quinton himself.

"What do you think he's going to tell us?" Aaron says, locking and placing his phone on the table.

"I'm not sure," I sigh, "he might've gotten his acceptance letter into a University or something."

"Yeah," he nods, "I think it's something that has to do with a girl."

Soon, Quin walks into the diner, and slides in next to Aaron. "Sorry i'm late guys,"

"You're fine," I say, "so, what's up?"

"I got a prom date," Aaron mouths the words, told you so, and I let out a chuckle. "Elizabeth Neal."

"What happened with you and Kayla?" I ask, taking a sip of my soda.

"We hooked up once, it was nothing serious."

Aaron, who has remained silent since Quin got here, finally decided to speak, and say something that neither of us had thought about. "Didn't you," he says pointing to me, "date Liz?"

"Well," I say, scratching the back of my neck, "we went on like two dates, but I had feelings for someone else, so it didn't really work out."

He nods, "Who are you asking to prom?"

I remain silent for a moment, thinking. I had considered taking Jaycee, or maybe even asking Kayla. "I don't know, honestly." 

"Well, you might want to figure it out," Quin says, "it's only a week away."


"I still cannot believe you got crushed Oreo's, M&Ms, gummy worms and hot fudge on your frozen yogurt." Jaycee says, taking a bite of hers.

"It's amazing! Try some." I say, sliding my cup over to her.

"It's good," she smiles after taking a bite, "but mine is better."

"You just got boring strawberries," I say, sticking my tongue out at her.

"Have you heard the latest gossip?" I turn my eyebrow up at her, "Quinton is asking Liz to prom."

"Oh yeah," I say nodding. "don't tell him I told you, but he did. And she said yes."

She chuckles, "Are you going to prom?"

"Yeah," I nod, "are you?"

"I was thinking about it." She says, "Who are you going to ask?"

"I don't know," I shrug. "who are you going with?"

She laughs, "Nobody."

"Why don't you go with Luke?" I say, taking the last bite of my yogurt.

"I dunno," she shrugs. "he's dating someone else, and I just think that would be awkward."

I nod my head, "Just go alone, I think that's what i'm going to do."

"Well, since you're going alone, and i'm going alone, maybe w-," she quickly stops, "nevermind."

"What were you going to say?" I ask, my curiosity getting the best of me.

"Nothing, forget it." 

I quickly decided to change the subject, "I'm happy we got an A on our project."

She smiles, "Yeah, we make a good team, Horan." 


While sitting at my desk later that night, I come across a letter from Jaycee that I had never read, dated two days ago. A short letter, only a singe paragraph. I decide to read it, and write a response before I go to bed.


How is this fair? You love me, but you won't tell me who you are? I'm not going through this torture anymore, of wandering the halls in school, wondering who has stolen my heart. And because of this, I've been scared. Scared to know who holds my secrets, and who's secrets I'm holding. I want to know who this is. In matter of fact, I need to know. You have until graduation.

Yours Truly,


And as the letter fell out of my hands, I realized, i'm hurting Jaycee in more ways than I knew.





Yours Truly.Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum