Hold My Hand

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This week's shoutout goes to @bethrodgers8! Check out the introduction to her new story, Nothing Is What It Looks Like. It's on her profile! Thanks for the comments, love xx


Jaycee's POV

"Naill!" I squel, as he continues to throw ice cubes at me.

"I told you I was gonna do it, Jay." He says causally.

"That doesn't make it okay, loser." I say, sticking my tongue out at him.

"I'm not a loser!" He gapes, "Dork."

"Whatever," I smrik, playfully pushing his arm, before focusing back on my laptop. "Niall, look at these pictures I found."

"Wow," he says, coming behind my computer. "New York City was pretty."

"It still is pretty," I say, closing my laptop. "Hey, do you wanna do something else?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, i'm getting bored of this project. So, do you wanna do something else?"

"Sure," he says, "what did you have in mind?"


"This is what you want to do?"

"Yes!" I say, excitedly.

"Jaycee," he says, looking at me. "really?"

"Yes!" I smile, "It will be fun! I promise."

"I'm not sure, i've never done it before."

"My dad used to take me all the time when I was younger." I say, thinking back to the memories. "Please?"

Finally he gives in and gets our skates. Minutes later, were sitting on a bench lacing them up. "Jay, I don't think I can do this." He sighs, standing up. He soon starts to lose his balance, and hangs onto the wall for support.

"Yes you can, i'll help you." I say, standing up also. He looks out onto the rink, with a skeptical look in his eye.

"I don't think I can." He chuckles.

"Just hold my hand," I say, sticking it out to him "we can do it together."


"Try it by yourself now." I say, trying to let go of his hand.

"No!" He says, squeezing it tighter. "I'll fall."

"We've done 6 laps together." I chuckle, "I'm pretty sure you have the basics down."

I slowly let go of his hand, and he starts to skate forward, before falling right on his butt. I start to laugh, but encourage him to keep trying. Five chances later, he's still continuing to fall flat on his arse after skating three feet in front of him. I skate over to him, and once again, stick out my hand for him to hold. Once he's on two feet, he wraps his arms around my waist. "See?" he says, looking into my eyes. "I can't do it without you."

After a moment of looking at eachother and debating wether or not to kiss him, I brake his hold on me and skate to the middle of the rink.

"I think i'm going to get off the ice before I fall again." Niall chuckles, in a few minutes, he is leaning against the 5' foot glass wall that lines the rink. "Know any tricks?"

"A couple." I shyly smile, spinning around in a circle.

"Show me." He says, watching me carefully. I do a simple 360 twist, "Six," I throw my eyebrow up at him, "it was cool. But it wasn't that cool. So, it was a six out of ten."

We spend the next hour at the rink, me showing off the coolest tricks I know. And attempting ones I haven't mastered yet, which caused me to fall on bum, just like Niall had. Then, with both of our butts bruised, we decided to return to the cafe we were at earlier to get hot chocolate, and walk around the park.

"I had alot of fun with you today, Jaycee."

"I had fun with you too," I say, smiling at him.

"Who knew you were such a great ice-skater?" He chuckles, taking another sip of his drink.

"It's my hidden talent," I chuckle. "i'm sure you have one too."

His cheeks grow red, "Nope. Just footy."

"I call bullshit." I say, jabbing my finger into his side.

"Okay," he says finally, "maybe I do."

"What is it?" I say, getting excited.

"If I tell you, you can't tell anyone."

"I promise," I smile, "our little secret."

"I play the guitar and sing." He says shyly, turning away.

"You'll have to play me a song one time."

"No way!" He says quickly, shaking his head left and right.

"I showed you mine," I whine, carrying out the 'e'. "Please?"

"We'll see," he finally says, after minutes of me begging. "Care to swing?"

I nod and follow him to the swing set, sitting on the one next to him. "We'll be spending the next week or two together," I say, "so we should get to know each other more."

"How do we do that?"

"20 questions." I say, smirking.

"Okay," he says, "I go first. Favorite color?"


"Birds! I was attacked by one when I was younger." He says, justifying his answer after I shoot him a skeptical look. "Last question, have you ever been in love?"

I push back on the swing, which causes it to move. After a moment of thinking, I respond. "I have."

"How did you know?"

"Robert Heinlein once said, 'love is the condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own.' And I knew I was in love when I realized this person's happiness is what determined my own. And without this person in my life, I was nothing."

"Who did you fall in love with?"

"I don't know." I say, looking up at the sky. He gives me a look, but he doesn't push it farther. "Wanna know how I see it though?"

"How?" He says, looking at me, sadly.

"I fell in love with a star." 

"How so?" He says, looking at the stars along with me.

"When I look at the stars, I feel like I know them. But in reality, they're strangers. You can read about them, and look at pictures of them, but you'll never really know them. They seem so close and familiar, but in reality they're just a mystery." He nods in understanding, but doesn't say anything.

And I think i'm falling in love with you, too.

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