Valentines Day

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Ps, these first few chapters are shorter, they'll get longer after the first 4 or 5 chapters


Jaycee's POV

"Alright class," Mr. Crepson, my history teacher, says standing in front of us, "all you have to do this period is copy down the notes that are written on the board, then you have the rest of the time to yourself."

"Excuse me, we are here to distribute the roses." A girl says as she walks into the classroom. Everyone gets quiet and giggles, wondering if they are going to get a rose, I however, roll my eyes and begin to get lost in the adventures of Katniss Everdeen.

"4 roses for Niall Horan." I look up from my book for 30 seconds, and see him just put the flowers on his desk, and continue to write down the notes, not even bothering to read the card. I bite my lip, holding back a laugh. I find it humorous that girls send the most popular boy in the school roses, and he doesn’t bother to read the card.

For the next ten minutes, they continue passing out the red roses, and every girl in the room receives one, except for me. To my surprise, before the two blondes leave the classroom, one is still holding a rose. “1 rose for Jaycee Collins.”

My head snaps up, and I almost drop my book. “Someone sent me a rose?”

"Obviously. Happy Valentines Day." She walks over to my desk, and carefully lays the rose down, everyone’s eyes glued on us.

“Jaycee read the note!” A boy, I believe Kevin Eldridge, says.

“Yeah, see who it’s from.” A girl agrees.

My eyes grow wide, and the color in my face flushes as I open the tiny card attached to the stem of the flower. Handwriting is scribbled across the paper, and I assume it’s a boys writing.


Happy Valentines Day love! I know this doesn’t seem like much, but this isn’t your real gift. Go to the supply closet and look underneath the stack of notebook paper, there’s a letter for you there. Ps, make sure you’re alone.

Yours Truly.”

“Well, who’s it from?” Kevin asks as soon as I close the card.

“It doesn’t say,” I mumble quietly, a deep shade of pink covering my cheeks.

“That only means one thing,” he says, “she totally sent it to herself.”

Soon after Kevin makes his judgement, the bell rings, signaling the end of fourth period and the start of lunch. With a lump in my throat and butterflies in my stomach, I head to the janitors closet as I was instructed when the hallways were clear. Just like the card said, there was a white envelope underneath the paper. After grabbing the letter, and sinking down onto the floor, I rip out the folded up paper, and begin reading,

'Dear Jaycee,

A secret admirer, is that too cliche? Well, I certainly hope not, but if it is, i'm sorry. Happy Valentines Day though, Jay. (Is it okay if I call you that?) I'm not really what sure what to say, so i'll just keep the letter short and sweet. I'd love to hear back from you. So, if you decide to write me back, just leave your reply where you found my letter. I hope you do write me back though, love. And I also hope your rose was a pleasant surprise. Enjoy your day, beautiful.

Yours Truly"

I smile a wide smile, and can't help but think of a few possibilities as to who sent me the rose. Before I get the chance to worry myself to death about it, I quickly write back a reply and slip it underneath the notebook paper.


"Jaycee dear," 

"Yeah grandma?"

"Why are you spending Valentines Day with your grandmother? Shouldn't you be out on a date, or something?"

"So what if i'd rather spend Valentines Day with you?" I reply, but she doesn't say anything more. "Someone did send me a rose today, though." 

"Oh really?" She smirks, "And who was the lucky fellow?"

"I don't know," I blush, "it's a secret admirer."

My grandmother just smiles at me and that only makes the slight pink on my cheeks turn into a deep shade of red. "Do we need to have the talk?"

"Oh my goodness Grandma, no!" I say, laughing.

"What?" She says, defending herself. "I just want to make sure you're safe!"

"I will be Grams, but right now, I don't even know who the guy is." I say, getting off the couch.

"Well, keep me updated."

"I will, promise." I say, kissing her cheek. "But my bed is calling my name, goodnight."

After doing my bed-time routine that consits of face wash, tooth paste and messy buns, I finally escape into the silence of my bedroom. After curling up with my teacup Yorkie, Bella, my eyes begin to fall, and I soon drift off to sleep.

Yours Truly.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora