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Hey guys. Sorry I haven't updated in awhile, and I know, the last chapter was not impressive. Lol. Anyway, I only had 1 person comment on the last chapter. Really? -.-  Anyway, I hope this chapter satisfies your needs, along with mine. Anywho, enough of this boring authors note, (:

Shoutout goes to.. @Niallersmyprince. Thanks for voting! :)


Niall's POV.

From: Aaron.

Me and Quinton are playing video games later, wanna join?

To: Aaron.

Sorry, can't. At Jerry's.

From: Aaron.

With who?

To: Aaron

Jaycee Collins, history project.

From: Aaron.

Oh.. text ya later.

"Sorry i'm late," I quickly lock my phone and place it on the table before looking up.

"Oh, it's okay, i've only been waiting here for twenty minutes." I smirk, teasing her, although I had been waiting awhile.

"Well, i'm sorry." She gapes, laughing. "Didn't know you were gonna get so butt-hurt about it."

I gasp, which causes her to bust in to laughter. "Nothings funny about getting stood up, Jaycee." I say, folding my arms infront of my chest, teasing again.

"Whatever, Horan." She laughs, rolling her eyes. "How about we order something and get this lame project started."

"Sounds good," I say. "Even though I already ordered us two chocolate milkshakes and fries." And on cue, our waiter showed up with our order. 

"Perfect, thanks." She smiles. "Wanna know something weird?"


"Whenever I eat a milkshake and fries,"

"You dip the fries in the milkshake?"

"Yes!" She gapes, "I do it all the time."

"So do I," I chuckle.

"It's nice to know we have something in common." She smiles, putting a chocolate covered fry into her mouth.


"Do you need a ride home?"

"I don't want you to go out of your way.."

"Jay, it really isn't a problem."  I say, smiling to her.

"Are you sure?"

"I promise,"

"Alright, fine." She smiles, "Do you remember where I live?"

"Yes, of course I do."

"Thank you," she smiles.

I'd do anything for you, I think, knowing it's true. But, instead of confessing, I just let the words, "you're welcome", slip through my mouth instead.



I honestly don't know what to say, so i'm going to be short and sweet.

I love you too.

Yours Truly."

Just after I had slipped the letter into an envelope, my phone began to buzz. Ironically, it was a text from Jaycee, asking me too meet her at the park across from the cafe tomorrow night at 6 p.m.

And of course, I said yes.


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