"Don't dare tell him where I am Natalia. I swear if you breathe a word to him about my whereabouts I would tell him about Zack as soon as he reaches here. I assure you that he would skin him alive and wrap you in bubble wrap and send you back to your cousins." It was a lie but I knew she would buy it. Why you ask? Well first, Demyan wasn't ever sending her back to Russia and second, he already knew about Zack but Natalia didn't know that and maybe didn't need to.

"Nooo, you wouldn't do that to me. You are my best friend, my angel, my savior and my knight in shining armour. You will never do that to me." Her voice became so soft and sweet. If anyone wants to know flattery I would surely recommend them to her.

"Promise me you won't tell him." She breathed out a sigh.

"Okay, I won't," I let out a relieved sigh. "But only until he forces me to tell Valencia. You know how mad he gets and even I can't run and hide from his anger. An angry him scares the shit out of me." No one can deny that an angry him scares the shit out of anyone, even made some people pee in their pants. I understand her position and I hoped that she might not have to face his wrath but until then she could help me gain some time.

"Okay, just hold on to the information about my whereabouts for a while with yourself. Tell me one thing why the hell he is back so soon. He was supposed to be in Russia for a month not be back in states in a week." This question tortured me. Did he had eyes on me in New York?

"Like hell he would tell me! God, I just want him off my back and if we are on asking questions why the hell is my brother looking for you frantically and like a manic. Would you enlighten me on it?" My hand reached for the chain around my neck. If only I could tell her. The heavy locket hanging from it weighed million times more than it actually did. I had left him hanging and if I told her what I did she would eat me alive. I needed to satisfy my revenge before I could return to the life that I had built.

"I will tell you when I return to New York. Now keep your lips sealed for a while and don't dare give this number to him. I will talk to you later. Bye and keep me safe."

"Valencia, this is not don--" I hung up on her and switched off my phone. I had intentionally switched off my other phone. The only reason this one had been switched on was because it had the oldest number I used. I gave it to Natalia to contact me in an emergency. If Demyan got his hands on this, he would be able to track me down in minutes, scratch that it would take him seconds to find my whereabouts through this number. It was better to have it switched off. Demyan was more than everything. He had me addicted to the taste of him. He became my everything in moments. The first time our eyes met it let like suddenly knowing that you are home. As he touched me I forgot who I was. He made his way passed my caged heart and I didn't even come to know. He was that powerful, that addictive and that dangerous. He came in my heart and I even didn't come to know when he made it his home. He worshipped my heart and soul, called me his queen. He was dangerous for my heart and at the same time, he was my everything. Words seemed less to explain who he was. If he came to knew of my intentions I would lose him. I didn't wanted space from him but a break, because the things I wanted to do would only hurt him. If he came to knew about them there won't be left an us but a path of destruction to destroy me and I would let him destroy me.

Not wanting to dwell in his thoughts anymore I decided to get out of my room. Even Nana's workload was not too heavy today, though I couldn't say that about Ben. He had to deliver food in everyone's room and take back the dishes. He didn't got the time to breathe with the work my mother and the bitches loaded her with. As I opened the door I found a glaring Claire. The bitch just couldn't back down.

"What the hell do you want?" I asked in a bored tone.

"How could you?" She demanded. It felt like it was the day where everyone wanted to demand answers from me. I gave her a bored look and leant against the door frame.

Her RevengeWhere stories live. Discover now